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My how quick yuck changes things to suit her.

purpledaisies's picture

Today is the super bowl and all the boys want to watch it. Ok no problem so dh told them they could leave early and get home by kick off. He also told them that we weren't doing anything today but going to pick something up that we bought on craigslist and if they wanted to they could leave anytime.

Well don't you know it wasn't too long ago when yuck claimed that dh was a horrible father and no one could do any better then her. And she has to save the boys from dh. He wasn't good enough to have them even for a while let alone a weekend or even the weeks during summer.

Now that the boys want to leave now instead of waiting another few hours before kick off she said she is too busy and they have to wait. She said they are NOT to leave before 4:30.

Now I don't mind them being here but dang it just seems as though it ok for them to stay when she wants them to but when she doesn;t we are deemed the worst people on earth and she has to rescue them from us. Just seems as dh is a great dad only when it benefits her! UGH :sick:


purpledaisies's picture

The boys didn;t get off their butts to get home by kick off and now yuck is all upset! Wanted to know what happened to 4:30? Dh told her to ask the boys when they get there. She said well I hope it was nothing stupid. Well yes it was stupid they just didn;t get up to go. That was all. lol

I guess super bowl wasn't as important as they said. huh? But I guess yuck thinks it is. LMAO I think it funny b/ she is the one that will rush rush when she thinks they want to do something but if she would just let them be when came to stuff like this that isn't that important that see it or not then they just might be motivated to do things on their own. Then they would know that if they really want to do something or watch something that they have to do it themselves instead of having yuck up their butts to do it. that doesn't teach them independence not does it??

purpledaisies's picture

Who knows Scubed who knows? even ss16 asked why they couldn't go. Oh well her problem. But as it turned out they all just sat on their butts and did nothing to get ready to go. So my take is that it wasn't that important to them. They didn't leave til 5:15 lol.

purpledaisies's picture

LMAO Scubed I would say that but she is too picky for what she looks like. Even the kids sais they wish she would get a bf and she turned someone down based on their looks and the boys told me that she was stupid b/c she isn't no prize herself. that was funny.