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O/T - on line prom gowns shopping

PrincessFiona's picture

Has anyone had any luck with on-line prom gowns? It seems there are a lot of sites that offer very discounted prices but I am hesitant to trust. Any specific ones to stay away from?


SM12's picture

Yep...I agree. And I made the same mistake of buying a formal gown from a website that didn't say it was from China until after it was purchased. It took weeks to get here and I only got it the day before the event. It had to go through customs. What a nightmare.

PrincessFiona's picture

But was the quality good? I fear we'll get something that doesn't even look like what we ordered.

anothermom's picture

I've seen so many gorgeous gowns from unknown websites for $20!!!! Pretty true to what you see. Another thing about China...their sizes....LOL

WokeUpABug's picture

Totally agree about RTR! I use them for every black tie event and DD has used them for prom.

whoaminow's picture

I would read reviews from people. We ordered one last year about 2 or 3 months before and it never showed up till about a month after prom. So SD had to borrow one from a friend at last minute. They refunded some of the money so we have one for this year already but I would be careful. It was a lesson learned.

CBCharlotte's picture

I bought my senior prom dress from Ebay! I loved it and it fit beautifully. I agree, stay away from China. mine was from California