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I Blew

princessandthepee's picture

Well, not for the first time, but I did again Friday night. Really let it fly in regard to my opinions, thoughts and feelings toward princess.
- She does everything she can to undermine this family. What happened Friday night is seemingly not a big deal, but symbolized her shitty behavior and I gave my husband hours of sheer delight listening to me bash his daughter.
princess breezed in for Thanksgiving, and when my mom wasn't serving it up fast enough to suit her little time line, she began badgering my mom to 'help' her so that princess could chow and split faster. Friday night my husband, sons and I were making dinner. pee wanted to eat with us, said it smelled good and wanted to know all what was for dinner. princess emerged from her basement pad (which I am taking back this week), said it smelled good and thirty seconds later she had pee and said pee wanted to go to Burger King. My husband was rather suprised, said "Well, we'ere dishing up dinner now." No matter, off they went.
When they came back about a half hour later, I could tell they were stoned. princess walked in with an empty Burger King bag, pee had one, too. She made a point of setting it down by us and going downstairs again. I said to my husband, "That bag's a prop. They didn't go to BK. She didn't get all ready and dolled up to go through the drivethrough with her brother." Before they got back, my nine year asked innocently, "Aren't princess and pee eating with us?" What the hell do you say to that?
Turns out princess was at the top of the stairs listening to me talk to my husband about her stupid bag, and she emerged accusing us of accusing her! No way were either of us going to look in her stupid fast food feed bag. I shut her up by telling her that my kids were there and I wasn't going to do this with her right now.
Well, needless to say, princess left in a huff, peee was furious with his dad, although respectful finally given the chances they have had to work on their relatioship now that princess is off at college most of the time.
But she bitched her dad out by the front door while I was in the kitchen with my kids. We endured and she was finally gone.
- she can't be in our home for twenty four hours without creating drama and bad feelings.
- everytime pee makes an effort to be a viable part of this family, she intervenes (whisking him away from dinner).
- she is completely disrespectful to everyone in this house and has given my sons the experience of being invisible and disdained.
- she rules that basement as if it's hers with that damn feral cat which requires the door to be closed so he doesn't injure and/or kill the other cats.
- she is so disgusting that for weeks she didn't mention the downstairs toilet was clogged, and then she KEPT USING IT. Not in my house, princess.
- And on, and on.

I told my husband I have had it. I am taking my house back and that if he doesn't deal with princess I will kick her ass out. I was not kind about any of this, I was shaking mad after the kids were in bed.

He decided that he is driving to her out of state college today and confronting her on everything. He is going to let lil miss know that if she continues as she has, she will have no room in this house. He will also use what actually matters to the grasping little bitch - our financial supporot. No more cell phone, no more car insurance, no more fully paid for meal plan, etc.

My husband has grown a huge set of balls and ladies, that is one hell of a turn on!


Lioness77's picture

My skids use the tears NOTORIOUSLY. He ALWAYS gives in. I'm so sick of this tactic. Such ungrateful brats getting their way by faking emotion. Sending support and goodness to you all!

princessandthepee's picture

The waterworks were one of the last aspects of this I brought up before he left. He said it lovinginly, but said he doesn't care if she does cry. She has the option of us having this cat declawed or delivering it to the humane society.
I would love to be a fly on the wall. She thinks she's very facile in terms of arguing. Really, she sounds immature to the point of idiocy but she's a firm believer in spattering the wall with a huge mess of bull, and then thinking no one will be able to find the way through it. I suggested he just ignore all of that, which he knows is the only way to stay on track of course.
Maybe her cat could live in my barn . . . . I have roosters that would kick his butt.

Goincrazy40's picture

FSS12 resorted to the tears tactic earlier tonight. FDH had taken away Xbox controllers because FSS12 was being a huge smart mouth jerk all day. In order to get them back, he cried. It totally worked. My FDH is such a wimp. I didn't bother saying anything. He cannot see that FSS will never change his behavior because he has learned exactly how to manipulate his father.

icecubenow's picture

SD17's tears work on my DH. But, mine don't.

DH claims he "will take care of it." He has those top-secret talks all the time. Recently, the two of them have begun texting one another while they are both in the house. I'm probably right there in the room, too. And, I don't care.

Nothing changes. DH's talks with SD17 make no difference. IF he stands his ground, she cries those big 'ole crocodile tears, and DH wipes them dry for her.

princessandthepee's picture

I told my husband Friday night that I am raising kids in this house, and that I will not tolerate one more instance of this. I told him that my kids have been through more crap than any children should have even had nightmares about.
I told him that if he thinks that girl will ever be there for him he has another thing coming. And I told him that if he does not deal with her, I will, and I will kick her ass out.
If there are games that are going to be played, they will not be occurring here. I don't care if he gives in to her crap, which I don't thnk he will. I am the mmistress of this house and I have responsibilities to both my sons and pee.
And no one is going to get in the way of it, and I shouldn't have let it go on as long as I did. As I told my husband Friday night, "I got no feelin' for her. That little cunt is done here." And I have felt freer and happier within my home than I have in months.
Ladies, I'm cooking homemade meals again, and it's been months.
I love to cook, and I like the stew that was served up tonight.