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Absent BioMoms Drama gets even weirder

Pecanflower's picture

My DH just called me. His ex called him with all sorts of new drama to update us on.
A bit of history: she is a waste of DNA. Has little to no contact with my SS14 who is high functioning autistic with bi-polar disorder who is growing up to be an awesome individual (not that she would ever know it). When she does send him anything or talk to him, she still treats him as if he is 5 years old.

She recently split with her registered pedophile boyfriend and has started dating (online) a soldier from Nigeria. Oh yes. He is real. Honestly. He's not a fake soldier or account. He can't be. She would know. He isn't a Nigerian scam artist. He contacted her through Facebook. Well, yes, he has asked for money...but..but...he's real.

Meanwhile, her truck has been stolen.
Meanwhile, there is no money to send to help with her son's tuition or school expenses.

Meanwhile, we want to get Punkinhead a laptop for school work and want her to contribute even just $100 to it. She can't do that. She's on disability, you know. (She does NOT pay any child support)

DH is worried that she is going to be taken advantage of and is going to spiral down the rabbit hole and eventually kill herself over all of this. The thing is...if she did, we would never know. As it is, she calls PunkinHead, maybe three times a year at most. If anything happened, we would just think she was on another one of her benders, emotional or otherwise.

Sigh. Meanwhile, I look at my son, SS14, and worry for his heart. Because he still loves his biomom and everytime she says she is coming to visit, he believes her, even tho she never does.


Pecanflower's picture

All he wanted to do was inform her about the romance scams. After's in her hands. He has tried so hard to make the conversations about Punkin only. She seems to think he wants to know the drama.

furkidsforme's picture

You can't stop people from learning the life lessons they are meant to learn.

If it's not Nigerian Soldier Guy, it will be some other scamming dude- and potentially a REAL one that is dangerous in more ways than taking her money and breaking her unbelievably naive heart.

If you can even call it "misleading" when it is so apparent that it is a scam. I am finding it hard to muster sympathy for anyone so dumb.

Maxwell09's picture

Maybe this makes me evil but...It seems like she is only dropping in enough to keep the boys hopes alive so maybe your DH should just cut ties with her for good and let her life chips fall wherever may be. She will always think your DH wants to know about her life until he shuts her down. Perhaps if your DH straight up told her he didn't care about her love life, those three calls a year would drop to zero.

FieryEscape's picture

Your DH needs to stay out of BMs personal life and not feel sorry for her pathetic life choices. I feel terrible for SS, but nothing will change who his BM is.

What kind of disability is she on? If it is SSI , doesn't that pay "cs" to the custodial parent.