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Tired of Being Step Mom Part 2

Peanut66's picture

I do appreciate everyones feedback on my situation. I know its time to move on, its just gonna take time as its not as easy as it sounds. I gave up everything I had to help our family financially, even gave up employment to raise all our children. Someone said dont let SS drive my car. Well its in my husbands name and he lets him drive it whenever he wants. Its hard living with others that have no respect or a care in the world for me. I never wanted to be labeled as the "bad stepmom" so I have always treated my SC as if they were my own. Not anymore. I'm too tired.


HadEnoughx5's picture

Try and seek some professional help if you can and work on a plan to leave. I know it's tough, I've been divorced too. But you and your children will feel so much better knowing you have peace of mind. Hang in there!

red flags's picture

I know how you feel. I agree with everyone's advice to take care of yourself first. I moved out of my fiancée's house 3 months ago and it helped me a lot. Things are by no means great now. Shit, I just saw a shrink to get on meds to treat the depression & anxiety those years have caused me. But I can honestly say that since I've left, he takes me a lot more seriously when it comes to talks about having my back. An exit plan and the strength to follow through on it gave me a sanctuary when I was feeling hopeless and helpless. I recommend starting planning one for yourself. If you never need to use it, great. But the security it gives can be a lifesaver of its own kind.