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Peaches1973's Blog

How do you not feel like a POS when you love but dont really like or want to be around your skids?!

Peaches1973's picture

Hello all.Im brand spaking new to this.I came across this site and knew I had found what Ive been looking for-a place to vent among those who understand.
Ive been with my fiance for almost 3 years now.I love him very much and am willing to go though what I need to to be with him but sometimes I have a hard time dealing.He has full custody of 4 kids (SD16,SD13,SD8,AS7) since BM walked out and moved out of state to be with another man almost 4 years ago.BM gets them for the summer is the court order tho last year she decided she didnt want to.Must be nice yeah?
