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So stbex AHH has been hacking my FB!

overworkedmom's picture

I couldn't figure out how he was doing it. He did it again this morning and wrote on my wall that "I am having an affair with a married man and I just want to let everyone know"

Thankfully I set up a notification for when anyone logs into my account and was able to reset the password again and figured out that he was using my old email address to keep getting into my account. I changed my e-mail for FB and changed all passwords to all e-mail accounts.

He found out where I live and was harassing me so much Friday night I went across to a neighbor and told them what is going on. They are so sweet and gave me a key to their apartment and told me to just walk in whenever I need. They also regularly call to check up on me. How did I marry such a psychopath???


hereiam's picture

Wasn't he recently begging you to come back? Less than a week ago, even?

He can't even pretend to be a decent human being for a week!

stepinafrica's picture

He is clearly an abuser and he is angry that he has lost control of you. Just be glad you made the right decision.

Rose.Colored.Glasses's picture

Another nail in the coffin. Just another affirmation that you did that right thing. TIA w/everyone. RO immediately.