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it's sunday and i can't wait for them to go home

somerg's picture

ok so i will probably sound like a royal bitch, but i really don't care. ok so (with dh's permission) i set up a yahoo account for sd (13 at that time now 14). so bm doesn't monitor either of them closley, so ok...i set up the accounts, i need to monitor, well, sd 14 decides that she's going to set up an google account without permission from anyone, i check her account, and see "google e-mail verification" so i print and show to dh, he confronts ex about it, and of course lies her ass off about it. so dh and i make a special trip to the house to show bm the print off of her yahoo account. and with black and white sd "I DIDN'T SET UP A GOOGLE ACCOUNT" and makes the suggestion of "someone tapped into my e-mail account, so at the same time my dh and i told her "who the hell would tap into your yahoo account and set up a google account?" which i'm sure it's been done, but HIGHLY UNLIKELY. so bm being as fucking stupid as she is believes her even though there is a print out RIGHT THERE IN HER HAND of e-mails that sd had checked AFTER the google verification came in. ok so shpuldn't have set up the e-mail for a teenager....lesson learned

so this weekend she reveals that she did set up the google account without permission and it was a lie to stay out of trouble and mom said that she didn't want to hear nothing more about it....ok so when we reveal to mom that she did lie her ass off to her mom (o let me also state that mom also attempted to make a police report of this----wonder how that turned out)

sd you are a liar and a complete CLONE of your "feel sorry for me cause i can't do shit for myself bm" and there is nothing you can say that i will believe. and yet she wonders why i wont reward her for the good she does. and you wonder why i'm disengaging from your sorry ass and wont play with you or take your word for shit


ok i feel better-i think, i wonder how this will go when dh reveals to bm that she lied to her face and played "feel sorry for me mom, i'm the victim here" bullshit card