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Oh, Incubator... I would love to live in your little world

overworkedmom's picture

So much to say so little time!

1) Incubator got her section 8 housing approved )so she will be moving into an apartment for free)! She promised that SS would have a special place there.

What is a special place exactly? A pallet in the corner of the dining room? LOL I have no idea. But I do know SS can only be with her SUPERVISED at DH'S discretion. Why would she even promise something like that. Now SS thinks she is getting some house where he can visit every weekend.

2) SS has been totally out of control. I warned his grandmother of this when she picked him up Saturday and so I told her and told her to tell the incubator that they need to actually discipline him when he acts out.

Incubator gets out of the car at drop off and was saying how good SS was. I said, well that is great news. THEN she says: Well, I mean, when I told him no he started crying and kicked the wall. But not hard or anything. :O OKAY... Well as long as he is not kicking the wall hard I guess it is alright! Wink

I had to tell this child's own biological mother that I am sure that once he gets more comfortable with her the fits will be full on and to expect holes in the walls. He is still afraid to show her his true self. She just kind of gave be a blank stare like she didn't get it.


thinkthrice's picture

Yep and having worked for Section 8 in a major city, they DO hold the tenant accountable for tenant-caused damage.

Doncha just love the limbo bar of expectations lowered below ground level for "poooooooor children of broken homes?" Treating them just like pets (feeding, watering and sometimes bathing them) Never bothering to TEACH them ANYTHING! Such a disservice!