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O/T: My parents have no idea...

overwhelmed_underappreciated's picture

2 things are bothering me since I got off the phone with my dad & SM this morning... 1. BM calls SO and tells him SD4y has been having accidents since learning she was coming down with us for 2 mo. I asked my parents (dumb me) if they had any idea why this would be happening... my SM's reasoning?? She is afraid of coming down here and I am too mean so she is wetting herself thinking of how mean I am. Uuummm... I potty trained this kid, I let her know when she has accidents that it is ok, everyone has accidents, and remind her to pay attention to her body when she has to go. on top of this my SM tells me I need to treat both SD like my BD... BD is 10 months and I am not treating a 2 and 4 yr old like a 10 month old. Not happening.

2. My dad accused me of having DD to trap SO into being with me... despite the fact that we were engaged 1 mo before I found out I was preg and although she came earlier than we planned we had already spoken about and agreed that we wanted children together. My dad thinks SO's marriage didn't work because of him (she cheated many times, lied about being raped, tricked him into getting her preg with SD2y, etc etc etc) and tells me he doesn't think our relationship is going to work and wants to know when me and DD will be moving in with him. He ants to buy ba house big enough for me and DD to live with him...

I don't know what to say...I'm so irritated and needed to vent.


smdh's picture

I suspect her mother isn't thrilled with the idea of her coming to be with your guys and has the kid nervous. So if the kid had one accident (for any reason, not related to coming to be with you guys) the BM interpreted as "its there fault", made that known to SD4, coddled and babied SD4 because she felt sorry for her. Made coming to your house seem like a bad thing and the cycle continues. I bet it stops when she gets to you guys because you won't make a big deal about it.

overwhelmed_underappreciated's picture

My SM never had bio kids. She had 2 miscarriages and then decided that she had her hands full with my bro & me... she doesn't understand the difference b/t bio and step kids... at least that's what I keep telling myself.

sorryilovemydogmore's picture

Wow. What kind of relationship do you have with them usually? Is this kind of out of left field, or have they been negative about your SO/relationship with your SD before? That's just so odd....

overwhelmed_underappreciated's picture

Usually I talk to them about almost everything. We have a very open relationship but they have always had issues with my step-parenting. I got 2 kids aged 3 mo and 2 yrs when I was 21 yo. I had no idea what I was doing and made some mistakes. When I was preg I was horrible. The devil. To everyone and anyone. I had some breakdowns emotionally due to my horrid Future ILs treatment of me and reactions to my being preg and again (according to my SM) it was all me and I was just being a drama queen. They love SO like their own son. Idk where the hell that sh*t came from...

I don't understand this b/c my SM has always been likemy other mother. She has been married to my dad for the last 18 yrs. I don't get it...

3familiesIn1's picture

My mother tells me my marriage to DH is going to fail its only a matter of time because unless I can open my heart and arms and accept the skids as my own - it will never work.

I hear this often - how I don't try hard enough, how I am too cold, how I should embrace them not shut them out, how she can see I have walls up around the skids, how its my job to do right by DH and raise his kids.

SO I waited her out - this is year 4. My XH recently remarried. I said, mother, XH isn't around on his night anymore and wants me to leave the girls there anyway with his wife, she can make them dinner and do homework with them. My mother snaps - no you should take them, they aren't her kids, its not her job its your job.

I said, point made...

She shut her mouth... I am sure it will be open and flapping again. So she is the queen of double standard.

overwhelmed_underappreciated's picture

Ur mom sounds a lot like my SM... like I'm not good enough or something. Hell, how many women would want a man with 2 young kids, in the military, with evil parents that treat me worse than a dog?? Not many. And its not like everyone doesn't make mistakes... ugh