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oneoffour's Blog

Sad for DH

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Since SS20 has been in his 3/4 house and learning to deal with his alcohol binging etc he has seen us a total of 4 times. He spoke to DH only last Friday and DH mentioned this weekend was my 50th birthday and our wedding anniversary and he was welcome to call by. In fact DH really wanted to see him and even told SS20 so. No party or lots of people, just hanging out at home.

Yep, he would come by. Absolutely.

And again, a no-show. But he was able to hang out at his mother's place 5 miles away all day.

Now this is funny!

oneoffour's picture

My grand daughter is a good wee girl and has an amazing stefather.
But this is what just happened when the 3 of them... my daughter SIL and G/daughter were in the rather crowded apartment complex pool...
Miss 4 yells to S/Dad in the pool " R....! Dont do that in front of a child!!" everyone looks at SIL and all he was doing was swimming away from her..... poor guy. I think my DD is STILL laughing.

One of those lighter Stepfamily moments.

Is the Worm Turning?

oneoffour's picture

Last night we got a call from OSS20 who is in a 3/4 house for alcohol and drug rehab.

DH was outside so I took the phone out to him and came back 15 mins later to see if he wanted me to take the phone inside.

He was finishing his call to OSS and hadned the phone to me. OSS wanted to chat! I nearly fell up the stairs! He and I used to be quite friendly. He would come home from Middle School and we would make sarcastic remarks about the advertising. FUN!

For Snarky ... The Dot School of Acceptable Behaviour

oneoffour's picture

1) ALWAYS have your DH/Partner back you up 100%. In fact he has to start by telling the kids "Things are changing. I am not proud of the way you behave and if your SM/*Your name* tells you to do something you will do it. No questions."

2) Insist on hats off, clean hands and face and shirt on at the dinner table. Not negotialbe unless the hat thing is a religous item.


oneoffour's picture

I wonder when my SS18 will realise his backpack has been on the floor of my car for the whole of Spring Break. This would be the SS who is failing English and Physics and has no work over SB... apparently. i can think of several pieces of work that remain uncompleted.

But then I aren't responisble for his failing school and neither is his work schedule. Because he comes back to our place and plays on his laptoop or watches TV for a few hours.

Sometimes you do the right thing

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Today #2SS became an Eagle Scout and I was recognised with a 'mom' pin. I was/am so proud of him. He overcame ADHD and remains unmmedicated, survived a near faatal bicycle/car accident 6 years ago that had him in a coma for 4 days, is the Great Procrastinator and drives us crazy .... but he made it and we (DH and I) are extremely proud of him.

One point made

oneoffour's picture

As my DH is out of work (constructively terminated 2 weeks ago) he isn't sleeping very well so he is sleeping in our spare room so I can get a good night sleep. I have been dropping SS18 at school to save on gas.

So this morning I get up, get the coffee on, have a shower .... 6:15 and SS or DH aren't making a sound. OK, so continued getting ready for work....I told SS we would be walking out the door at 6:45 because we left later yesterday which made me late for work.

Hmmm, 6:35 and no sounds at all. Not even a toilet flushing.

The Jail Bait

oneoffour's picture

My 19 yr old sson is in a drug and alcohol intensive 30 day treatment place. I believe they have little phone contact with the outside world.

Well he has been there 2 weeks. One phone call to us and we understand 1 to his mother. DH gets a call this past Tues at work..... Dad, can you bring me down some cigarettes? They are the only thing I can do between classes and counselling.

Ummm big fat NO!

Not a Happy Camper

oneoffour's picture

YSS17 has been throwing up for 2 days now. He went to school yesterday and wasn't well. After school he threw up and couldn't get his heair cut. Then he threw up at school and came back to our place.

DH was OK with it. I was too. This is DHs days to have him here.

BUT ... DH told him no internet. Well guess what? I signed onto Facebook and noted YSS had posted a 'like' thingy 8 hrs beforehand. This would have been about 12 noon.

Petty I know but....

oneoffour's picture

My YSS is 17 and completing his Eagle Scout requirement project.
Now I am the one for the past 6 yrs who has been sewing on badges and helping him get to places.
I am the one ironing and washing his uniform so he looks moderately presentable.
And 3 guesses who makes guest appearance today at his project to help out and brings donuts and drink?
Yup, the ice maiden. This is the same woman who tried to get to his family day at summer scout camp and thought it was funny that she got lost and never arrived. She never turns up for any of his scout stuff.
