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Truelight caught Spongebob (BS14) smoking!!!

onehappygirl's picture

Apparently, my son, my beautiful, intelligent son is also the dumbest kid on the face of the freakin' earth!!

Spongebob gets home from school at 2:45. Truelight gets home from work at 3:00. For the life of me, I can't figure out how he can get in so much trouble in just 15 minutes, but he does almost each and every day.

Yesterday, he puts on Truelight's new $100 boots. He takes a walk outside in the mud with them. When confronted about the whys of it, we get "I don't know." So, Spongebob loses his TV for 2 weeks, he has to clean the boots and also the floor where he walked in the house with them. He's already grounded from all video games and computers until he brings his grades up.

So today, Truelight races home as fast as he can just to keep Spongebob from getting into more trouble. Spongebob was just putting the dog outside when Truelight came in the house, so he had to have been home less than 5 minutes. Truelight catches him with a cigarette in the house. First of all, stupid for doing it period, second stupid for doing it in the house, third stupid for doing it in the house not 15 minutes before the cigarette smoke sniffing nazi comes home. OMG!!!

Now, I have finally stopped smoking. I had smoked for about 6 to 7 years, and it took a long time for me to finally quit. Spongebob knows I smoked and even he was on the bandwagon with Truelight trying to get me to quit. So, knowing that I am throwing stones at a glass house, how do I handle this?

Truelight told me in secret about this - Spongebob will be confessing this to me when I get home.

As far as punishments - since he has been guilty of so many little things like getting into everyone else's stuff, trying to get on my password-protected computer, I don't trust him anymore to be alone in the house. I am taking away his key. He will have to stand outside until Truelight gets home from now on, and I will be driving him to school in the morning instead of just letting him lock up and catch the bus.

BUT - otherwise, how do I handle this??


Jbee27's picture

Girl, exactly how you want to handle it. I was around the same age as Spongebob when I had my first cigarette. And my current attempt to quit is quite the battle.
The thing that hurt me most when I was caught, was my parents saying how disappointed in me they were. That hurt more than a butt whoopin.
I would say, make him smoke a whole pack at one time. But that might not be the solution. It would definitely make him sick, but that's not a great idea.
Besides what you've already figured on doing, I have nothing else that would be a fitting punishment. Good luck girl!

onehappygirl's picture

I'm about to go Stepmomjen on his hiney!!!!!

Yep, I think that's what I'll do to a somewhat lesser degree. I'll let him keep his clothes, but he's going to lose ALL his stuff until he can be trusted and until his grades come up.

Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!

Jbee27's picture

Go for it! And you know Jen will give that bad ass advice that you need! lol
Looks like Spongebob will be doing every single household chore till 2011!

misfit's picture

I find it curious that since your son was on board to get you to quit smoking, he's picked it up himself.

It's like when someone says, "oooh don't touch that pie BM made, it's horrendous and you'll puke all over yourself, trust me, I just had a slice", you still kinda give it a thought to try, no?

You sound very irked by this but from what you're saying, you and DH are a great team and taking this on TOGETHER. We all know here at StepTalk, teamwork with our partner is often a lifesaver, but also so scarce it's scary!

Bradybunchmom's picture

One of my friends had a 14 year old daughter constantly in trouble and after asking the police what she could do, they told her to take everything away except for a matress and blanket, and 5 changes of clothes, she even removed the door from its hinges and then let her earn back all her things.

sadstepmom26's picture

Sounds like my mom's idea. Add in only pb&j, an apple and water to that and you've got my mom. She said she was only required to give food, clothes, shelter and water. Almost all clothes were taken as well. Harsh but it sure makes you think before you do something stupid and wrong.

GeekySM's picture

My mom did this to me - when my grades went bad in highschool.

No TV, everything out of my room, hinges off the door. Bed by 9.

It WAS HORRIBLE.... but it worked.

Got my grades back up, and ended up earning everything back by the time i was a Senior.

I was a Sophomore when it happened.

Good luck!

Nemo's picture

My mom did this to me...
I had nothing!
Everything was in bags on the back pourch until my grades came up and I lost my attitude.

belleboudeuse's picture

BMJen is doing this exact thing right now with her son!


You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved

MsPerception's picture

CPS agrees with the bare necessities posts, OHG. I asked because BD15 flipped out about her cell phone and was told remind her it's a right not a privilege. I say wow on the computer thing. I have my desktop "locked out". If you can't log into the password screen you can't get any further-to Windows accounts. I saw it as a big hassle there for a bit but it works wonders as motivation for those who won't help out but want internet time. tried it at work to-boys in the warehouse giving my computers viruses and worms and such but decided it was just too much and they are gronwups after all.

**I only have one shot at a truly great life and not one spent waiting for a man to notice me, want me, love me and be true to only me. 2010 is the year of "me" **

onehappygirl's picture

I don't really think he's stupid or dumb - he just does stupid and dumb things. He's actually very bright - he just doesn't apply himself.

I gave him the riot act last night. I grounded him from all of that stuff I said before. However, Truelight wants to play a little good cop/bad cop and let him have some of that stuff back. Instead of cleaning out the room, he wants to make that a threat for next time and then next time fully follow through. But he cannot go to the homecoming game he was dying to go to. Also, he has lost his Nintendo DS. He is doing a butt-load of chores the next month - hard work outside. So, I will allow Truelight to do that - since usually he is very strict with my kids. We'll see how this works.

Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!

Wicked.Step.Monster's picture

Hmmmmm........ I was just a bit younger than him when I started sneaking smokes.... now... yah many many years later I'm still a smoker.

I was a born smoker I've always said... the 'make them smoke a whole bunch' didn't work on me because it never once made me sick. It was a natural thing for me to have a cigarette. How disturbing is THAT? ugh!

I don't even know what to tell you on this one... it's so hard to know what to do!

Jbee27's picture

Out of the past 14 days, I went 6 whole days without a cigarette. It was broken up in those days, but 6 days where I didn't smoke.
I am going to quit! I am! Just after this

Wicked.Step.Monster's picture

Cravings get me too! The worst for me is first thing in the morning. The minute I hop out of bed I jump outside to light up. That's the one that's the hardest to quit for me.

Jbee27's picture

Why do I feel the same way? I want to quit sooooooo bad and I know I'll feel better when I finally do. But I just can't let it go. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! I HATE PHILLIP MORRIS!!!!

Selkie's picture

I'm in the same smoking boat. But I'm worried what quitting will do to my serotonin levels and emotional dysregulation if I quit.

DD14 has been smoking but not regularly. She's convinced she can't get addicted to it. I'm inclined to believe her since she's had the same pack of smokes in her purse for two weeks now, and there's no evidence of her smoking around the house. She should know how difficult it is to quit from watching me try so many times!

I'm in no position to offer you any advice, OHG. I'm picking my battles with this kid and smoking the occasional cigarette isn't too bad given everything else we're dealing with.

I do like the removal of everything option, though. Maybe I'll keep that as an option if what we're trying now doesn't work. Good luck. Sounds like you've got things under control.