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OMG I can't believe it...Just read her counter-suit myself...

Nymh's picture

I just read the counter-suit that BM responded with myself and I can't believe it - she's suing HIM for full custody!! WHAT?! BF didn't realize this when he read it and I was just going off of what he told me with my previous blog entry. I can't believe this. You know what her grounds are? She says that BF is in contempt because he doesn't pay her child support and that he takes SS to parties where drugs and alcohol are consumed in front of SS! I'd like to see her proof of that! I can't believe she's suing for custody on those grounds which are completely untrue and we can actually print out papers from the state board of child support enforcement showing each and every payment BF has made to her. What in the world is going through this woman's head?


Rags's picture


Counter suit is a pretty common strategy when one party or the other initiates court action.

As I recall your DH pays CS regularly so her first point is moot, if there is no evidence of DH partying with or in front of the kid then that is also moot.

In our case we had several witnesses who testified that SpermDad had SS at parties and gave him liquor when SS was a baby. Nothing significant just some on teething gums. The judge ignored very well documented testimony (pictures of SpermDad with baby and a liquor bottles in an obvious party atmosphere) and direct witness testimony.

Based on what happened in our early court activities I would forecast that BM's counter suit will not lead to much.

Good luck and best regards,

now4teens's picture

Of course she was going to counter. Even if it is CLEAR she has ZERO GROUNDS! But one of the first things she did when she went to her attorney (after she got the papers from your BF) was to LIE and tell her stories. And based on those falsehoods, the attorney drew up the papers. It's all a game.

But you have the upper hand. Because you have truth on your side.
You have all your ridiculous PAS emails from her and all the evidence of time that he was missing school already from this year because of his "stress headaches". You know that BM is a total and complete nut-case.

So, just take a deep breath and relax. When the facts come out, it will all be ok. We're here for you.

"If you have never been hated by a child, you have never been a parent."
-Bette Davis

FallingfromGrace's picture

Stupid people lie when they are cornered - even when the lie is an obvious fabrication. Try to look at this way, I am sure she put everything she "had on you guys" into this counter suit. So we can safely assume - SHE HAS NOTHING.

Be strong.

"God grant me the serenity accept the things I cannot change; the strength to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."