BM OK'd SS to go on vacation and knows we're pregnant
BM finally called BF back this morning and gave her consent for SS to go to Florida with us this summer. She said that SS had a couple of "stipulations" and put SS on the phone. SS said that he didn't want to go to Disney World again and he didn't want to have to share a bed with his Granny. Thankfully we have already made arrangements so that neither of those things are going to happen! Truthfully we booked this vacation at SS's request so he already knew where we were going and that it wasn't Disney. Then BM got back on the phone and said that since that was a 9 day stretch, BF still had 5 more days to get SS over the summer. BF said he was flexible with those extra days, he was mainly concerned with getting to take SS to Florida on that specific week. BM said well, I'm just trying to save you some gas money since you have another baby on the way. BF said, OK... She asked when it was due and if we knew if it was a boy or a girl yet, which we don't. BF said she was pleasant (if forcibly so) and nice about it.
So BM knows that we're pregnant and apparently has told SS for us yet again because she was talking about it on the phone right in front of him. I just hate it that she takes the liberty to share these things with him. I feel like it should be our right to tell him that we're having another baby. The only reason we haven't told him yet was because BF wanted to wait until we knew what the baby was so that he could say, "You're going to have a new baby brother/sister." He knows that SS wants a baby brother so that's what BF was hoping to be able to tell him.
- Nymh's blog
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BMs love to do that...
It makes them feel important to be able to do crap like that. It steals the spotlight from you and the special'ness of the moment or event. But, should be okay, because knowing that he wants one he will still be excited for you.
That sucks
She probably did it on purpose. Who knows she may even try to use it against you guys. Just make sure that you reassure him and include him on things. You don't know what she is feeding him and you never want him to feel like he is being replaced. I think it is great though. Your good news share about the baby can be when you do find out the sex. You can still tell SS and make sure you tell him FIRST. That way there will be no leakage.
Enjoy your trip and your pregnancy. Which parks are you doing?
Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P
BM also doing that to us
Yeah so my H and I have the baby now. When she first found out it was OK yes she told the kids. The day I went into labor she would not take the kids back. My H almost missed the birth of our son and she said it was bc he was not suppose to get re married or have anymore kids. Like I said at first it was ok then when he was born all hell broke lose. She tells us that his one daughter dont feel loved and that none of them like coming here and whatnot. I hate his BM she thinks shes special. I am also a BM! I would never do that. In fact my baby daddy had another child not even a year later... GOOD LUCK
Well That Sucks!
Pretty underhanded of her to do, stealing your good news to share. How did she find out?
BM likes to do things like that with us too. She will go on my sisters myspace page and see what our family is up to, and tell SS, "oh you are going to do >>>> this weekend" or whatever. What a jerk. What if we wanted it to be a surprise?? I asked my family to stop posting our family plans on there.
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ ; )
How did BM find out if SS
How did BM find out if SS didn't even know?
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
I have no idea
No idea how she found out. We haven't posted it anywhere on the internet that's not private or anonymous like this website. We haven't told anyone who speaks to BM and we didn't tell SS. So unless SS figured it out (I am showing a little bit but BF assured me that SS would just think I was getting fat - great right?) then I have no clue how she found out.
If you know anything about my situation, you know that BM is a crazy stalker who knows everything about us practically the moment it happens. I'm actually kind of suprised it took her this long to find out. Last time she knew pretty much immediately.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
Can she tell you're showing?
Can she tell you're showing? Or maybe she suspected and just said that to your DH to get confirmation, acting like she knew?
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
She hasn't seen me
Unless she's still stalking me, which is entirely possible, she hasn't actually seen me in person since before I got pregnant again. She does do the bluffing thing, though, saying something like she knows it's fact to try to get confirmation that it's actually that might have been what it was.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
It's entirely possible
She has found me every single other place on the internet that I have frequented or posted in the past, regardless of pseudonyms or alternate email addresses. I figured it was just a matter of time before she found me here. I always figured that she would do exactly the same thing that she always did when she found my posts here, if she did - to start replying to everything I said with pages of crap about how muh of a whore I am, or to rub it in my face that she found me, yet again...
Maybe she has found me. If so, great. Maybe she'll gain a little perspective from the other side of the coin.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*