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Lost affections

Number2Blues's picture

The last few weeks have been really hard for me in my relationship with my boyfriend...who has a 8 year old daughter. We have been having conversations about changes that have recently taken place in our relationship, most of which have been for the worse. Beginning of last week I asked him to make more of an effort to treat me how he did when we first got together. I know that things change in every relationship, but the things he used to do for me are the things that made the relationship worth working on. I asked him last night if he felt that he had made any effort and he said probably not as much as he could. He also added that while he was thinking about it he realized that in the beginning of our relationship he gave me 90% of his time and neglected his daughter. I feel that he's done a complete 180 and I am the one being left out. It does give me a perspective as to what she may have been feeling, but at the same time it seems a bit extreme. I can't go from being treated like a queen to being an outsider who feels invisible. It's really weighing on my mind and I'm beginning to think about moving out. We haven't gotten married although we've talked about and I'm thinking it might be best if we separate. I need much more than he is capable of giving me right now or maybe ever. Has anyone else encountered this issue? Am I overreacting as I sometimes do? I know you all have great advice to offer and I would really appreciate any input you may have!


Anne 8102's picture

You didn't say how long you've been in this relationship, but you are right in that they all do change over time. My husband and I were just commenting this evening on how you start out all in love, hot for each other and dying to spend every moment together, but that no relationship can sustain that kind of intensity 100% of the time infinitely. It doesn't mean you love each other any less, but your priorities do change over time and as your comfort level with your significant other changes. It isn't that initial intense emotion that has kept us together, but the bond we formed from all the struggles that we've faced together. We don't have a perfect marriage, as if there is such a thing, and recently we have been having a really hard time. But I do know that just because things are no longer now the way that they were in the beginning doesn't mean he loves me any less or that I love him any less. Every relationship goes through that "honeymoon" stage, but when it's over that just means you get to move on to living your real life together. And unfortunately, real life isn't always pretty! I have wondered many times over the years if I would marry my husband again if I had known then what I know now and sometimes I think I might not. I don't regret that we married and I love him with every fiber of my being, but we've been through a lot of hell during our marriage. I think you have to try to look objectively at your situation and decide if things are going to change back to the way they were (probably not, at least not permanently) and if you can commit to spending the rest of your life not just as his wife, but as his partner in life, which means being there to support him in his role as a father. If you're visiting this site, then you already know how hard THAT job can be!

~ Anne ~

happy mom's picture

i've been through that, i'm married for 6 yrs now, i too felt the same feeling you have felt. not about him spending time more w/his child but he is working 6days a week and on the last day he is tired. i felt too that the relationship (his attention to me) was less than how we first started out too. i actually finally had the guts to tell him how i truly feel "that I need attention & affection". he and i are working at it everyday and things have been very well since i had that talk w/him. my advice is to let him know and schedule enough and fair times. time w/you alone, time with all of you w/child, him & child. write it down if you have to.

-happy mom

purdy's picture

I have also went through this but as time went by i see that everyone is getting more comfortable.I have read many books and watched many shows on this subject and 1 thing stuck out at me because everyone of those books and shows said that the parents must build a foundation and take time for eachother and in the long run the kids also feel this strength between the parents and therefore feel stable.If there is no base built then problems arise and kids see this they will feel uneasy about there lives and think they will have to go through another breakup.So the stronger you and your bf are the kids will also become this way.Kids learn what they live.

happy's picture

Also even though you are not married.. And I am one to talk because I was married, divorced and now remarried but this marriage is based on love, support and all the great things that you are suppose to be in a relationship and marriage for.. Relationships and marriages have one difference.. In a marriage you have to get an attorney to get out of it, a relationship you just walk out.. But if you love this man don't you think that leaving is taking the easy way out? I am not trying to be mean.. And I do understand your feelings.. I do trust me.. But I think you should way out the bad and the good.. HE has two woman in his life and its him who needs to balance you two out.. YOu love more then him in your life right. You have friends and family and all that we are all capable of a lot of love in our hearts.. So do not give up so easy maybe take the high rode here and you start off by putting all the effort into your relationship and maybe he will too start to put his best foot forward.. I just think that when two people really truly love each other it does take a lot of work.> Nothing in life is easy..
Ask yourself how much you care and love this man.. The sad thing I read was you said you need more and its more then he is capable of.. 1st its not more then he is capable of he needs to balance both of you and secondly you may never find what you are looking for..
I would say yeah with how you feel walking away is easy to do.. But staying and working at it is far more rewarding..
Take care and I wish you luck.. Happy

sweetthing's picture

to love your partner & your children. My DH always told me that his boys were his first priority from the moment we started dating. However I have never felt less important than them. I have always felt loved equally and prioritized. When we have the boys they are BOTH of our first prioritys. Our weekends with them they are OUR focas, ourselves second.

Do you feel like part of the family, I guess is my question? Even when we were dating I felt like a part of the family and I think that makes it easier.

Bobbi's picture

My BF did EXACTLY the same thing to me. The first year we were together, he made sure that he made time for us, even on the weekends he had his daughter, he would let her spend one evening at her Grandmother's house, so we could have a night alone. Then the second year, an abrupt change. We couldn't do anything without his daughter, and I resisted the sudden change, but didn't get anywhere. Now, I know that either I live with things the way they are or leave.

Things do change, but couples need to make an effort to make time for themselves.

I don't know your BF, but I know mine doesn't have any intention of making any effort to change things.