Should an 8 yr old have a cell phone?
My BF received a call last night from his daughter saying that BM just bought her her own cell phone. Is it normal for an 8 year old to have a cell phone? Personally, I think it's too young but I don't have any kids of my own so I don't know. I do know that she doesn't play sports, doesn't participate in school activities and gets dropped off and picked up from school so I see no reason for her to have one. Other than her being spoiled, this is the only reason I can see why she now has one. I'm guessing that BM is paying for the monthly bill b/c my BF wasn't told that SD was going to be getting one. This was all out of the blue. If BM wanted him to pay for half of the phone or half of the monthly bill, she would've taken great delight in calling him up and informing him he would be doing so. I'm HOPING she's paying for it b/c we've got enough bills and can not take any more on. If anyone has any advice on this subject it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
~Lizzy (NotMadeOfMoney)
"Who needs therapy when you have wine?" ~Anonymous
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8 is a little young, but...
Both of our kids had one about then, BS because I was afraid of his father doing something stupid like running, plus he never had any minutes on his cellphone, and moved frequently without telling me. SS because his BM wouldn't give him the phone when DH called her. It ended up being the only reasonable way for him to communicate with us.
If she doesn't ask you to pay the bill, and SD isn't getting into trouble with it, it probably isn't a big deal. She'll lose the phone soon enough...
LOL! :)
She is a little absent minded and I thought that as well!
~Lizzy (NotMadeOfMoney)
"Who needs therapy when you have wine." ~Anonymous
My DD10 and SS9 have had
My DD10 and SS9 have had cell phones for about a year now so they were 9 and 8 respectively at the time. Yes, they were too young but we kinda had to... Long story but BM decided and said that "she didn't care" about the rules we'd established for both kids regarding the minimum age for cell phones and got one for SS anyway (bear in mind, both kids are with us 99.9% of the time). It caused alot of problems and we ended up getting one for DD to even things out. The whole thing fizzled out in no time as SS realized he wasn't getting one up on DD. DD10 is more into her cell with the prepaid unlimited texting. SS9 loses his all the time. It was once missing for a good month! I think it depends on the kids and their need for one. It's come in pretty handy for DD10 since she's at her extra-curricular activity several times a week. For SS9, it makes it easier for him to call FH when he's at BM's EOW and vice versa i.e. no need for FH to call BM to talk to him, he can dial his son directly! Now, whether he answers or has it on is a whole 'nother story
I have adult friends who do the same thing and I have to ask, "Why do you even have a cell?" I guess it depends on the person. I do like the idea that my BF will have direct communication with his daughter. That might actually work! I do think it's a passing fancy for her though. She gets new stuff all the time and within a short time she's over it. We shall see if this sticks or not.
~Lizzy (NotMadeOfMoney)
"Who needs therapy when you have wine." ~Anonymous
Ah! Good rules!
I'll definitely keep these in mind. Thank you!
~Lizzy (NotMadeOfMoney)
"Who needs therapy when you have wine." ~Anonymous
Especially the last one.
Thank you!
~Lizzy (NotMadeOfMoney)
"Who needs therapy when you have wine." ~Anonymous
Sd11 had a cell when she was 9...prepaid
Then I gave her one of my old phones when she turned 11 and we added her to our plan since it's only $10 extra a month. This was my idea.
I'd rather DH and SD have as much communication as they want via texting and calling rather than have to go through BM all the time. I'd be annoyed if my ex constantly texted my son through my phone just to ask how his day was or constantly called my phone just to talk to my son. When my son is 9,he'll get a prepaid and then when he's 11 we'll add him to the plan.
Sd is excellent with her phone. Never loses it, keeps it in the case and turns it off every night after texting her mommy (if she's with us) or texting her daddy(if she's with BM). She never goes over minutes or anything. It's all in how they're taught to respect the phone responsibility. Plus, she texts me sometimes too and that's something we'd never be allowed to do through BMs phone.
I think phones for children should be reserved only when the child doesn't see both parents every day. It makes it easier on the WHOLE family when the non-custodial parent can just call and talk to their child without going through the I know it makes SD feel more loved by DH when he texts, "I love you! You're the best daughter in the world and i miss you!!" right before she goes to bed at night.
Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others. ~Buddha
Exactly! DD10 and her dad
Exactly! DD10 and her dad (my XH) exchange text messages and I think it's great. He and I are civil and very cooperative but this enables him to communicate directly with her without my involvement and that is a good thing. And pre-paid is the way to go until you feel they're old enough to warrant the additional line on your cell. SS9's cell is paid for by BM (BM's BF I think since BM doesn't work) and that's more than fine by me!
I didn't think about that...
...but this is true, SD and BF can communicate without BM getting in the way. BF calls BM's cell phone just to talk to his daughter anyway. He gets all the info from her instead of talking to BM and getting yelled at for something. Thanks for the insight!
~Lizzy (NotMadeOfMoney)
"Who needs therapy when you have wine." ~Anonymous
It's an option
I think there could be a use.
I got my son one when I moved into a new nieghborhood. I got one of those cheapy ones. And I added the GPS tracker thing to it. So I could feel comfortable knowing he got to school ok and that he got home ok too. He had to walk by himself then.
I got rid of it when Verizon billed me my 1st bill and it was over $300. It should have only been $9 for the added line.
Seems all the bugs was not all worked out yet with the GPS tracker part. It was charging me usage minutes while it did it's tracking.
They corrected the bill. But I bailed from that right then and there.
From what you discribed I would not allow a phone.
I would tell the litle girl that it can stay at mom's.
The GPS tracker option is a great idea...
...I can see this application coming in handy. But the bill, yikes! I'm glad Verizon corrected it for you though. As for her leaving it at her home, we'll see about that. We get her this weekend so I'm sure she'll bring it with her. She likes to show us her new toys.
~Lizzy (NotMadeOfMoney)
"Who needs therapy when you have wine." ~Anonymous
We are considering it........
We have talked about it in regards to SD8 and SD9. That way we can talk to them whenever we want and don't have to go through BM. (she doesn't have a land line, just her cell phone.) And the skids can call us and we'll know it's them and not BM wanting/needing something. Our only reservations are that BM will burn that phone up!!! She has a prepaid cell phone that's turned off half the time! We don't want to pay for a phone that BM will use more than the skids. Although, we know this WILL happen with the skids' cell phone, we will probably get them one next year and maybe BM will have her life together by then. A couple weeks ago, SD8 told me that BM took $40.00 of her bday money to buy minutes on her phone. SD8 said "she said she'll pay me back, but she didn't pay me back my Easter money, so I'll just write it off." This is coming from an 8 year old! I laughed when she said this, so she wouldn't know how pissed I was and then I took her for an ice cream while SD9 was at softball practice.
******My daddy always said: "It's better to be a SMARTASS, than a DUMBASS!******
Sounds like SD8 is older than her mom! My SD isn't that mature, but maybe just maybe she'll gain some maturity with this cell. I guess time will tell. As far as her and her father having communication only gives me hope. Every now and then, whenever he calls his daughter on BM's phone he gets yelled at. So, he avoids calling all together. Maybe now he can talk to his daughter directly without the hostility.
~Lizzy (NotMadeOfMoney)
"Who needs therapy when you have wine." ~Anonymous
I thought the same thing...
...but a lot of folks here have opened my eyes to reasons as to why she should have one. I really like the idea of my BF communicating with her this way. BM yells at him or says stupid things or just generally bitches at him whenever he calls to talk to this daughter. It really upsets me when the she-dragon does this. SD having a cell phone might be a good thing. OR, I might be blogging later and say othewise!
~Lizzy (NotMadeOfMoney)
"Who needs therapy when you have wine." ~Anonymous
well honey with all the positives
I can tell you first hand there WILL be negatives. The whole "I can contact my kid whenever I want" works both ways. BM ALWAYS calls sd11 every a.m and every p.m when she's with us...even when we were on vacation. That's annoying bc BM is a TALKER! Sd usually cuts the call short bc she hates talking to her mother on the phone and makes faces the WHOLE time.
So just like anything ya gotta take the good with the bad. What's worth more? Having Dh able to speak directly to his kids and WAY LESS BM contact for him OR not hearing from BM on the skids phone when they're at your house?? I chose less contact between DH and BM as my ideal. Sd loves my old phone and every year I get a new model and she gets my old one. She loves it bc I take really good care of my phones so they still look new. You can even find dirt cheap cases on I got her a pink sparkly hard case with butterflies...thought she was going to pee herself when I gave it to her.
Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others. ~Buddha
So true BBB!
She just got it last night so only time will tell. It's been quiet so far tonight! Haha! SD doesn't take care of her things and she gets bored with new stuff very quickly so maybe the new-ness of it will wear off. Another thing that makes me wonder is that I have a friend whose nephew (same age as my SD) racked up a monster bill b/c he downloaded a ton of ring tones and games, so I wonder if she'll do the same thing. She loves video games. But maybe, maybe not. I'm not worried about that part though since we're not paying for the bill. I'm guessing she'll get tired of it within a few months. We shall see!
~Lizzy (NotMadeOfMoney)
"Who needs therapy when you have wine." ~Anonymous
mom and dad are seperated
Yes, mom or dad are always with the child but mom and dad are never together. My ds has a phone so our son has access to both his parents no-matter which parent he is with. Believe me it has made our lives much easier.
We have a home phone (cell
We have a home phone (cell phone ) for the kids or a babysitter. We do allow SD10 to take it with her when she goes to a friends or on a bike ride so we can get ahold of her.
SD tells BM that this is her phone. It is not. Although BM is to call SD on that line---it is for all the kids. It is just that SD is the only one that is getting use of it right now.
We have a family plan so the home phone doesn't cost any extra.
Oh wow!
That is a great idea! If SD's cell phone situation doesn't work out this time maybe BF and I will do that next time around. Fabulous!
~Lizzy (NotMadeOfMoney)
"Who needs therapy when you have wine." ~Anonymous
Thank you MinneMom!
I'm checking it out now...
~Lizzy (NotMadeOfMoney)
"Who needs therapy when you have wine." ~Anonymous
BM makes SD call her after
BM makes SD call her after school to be sure she got home ok. We live 1 1/2 blocks north of the school!!!
SD usually forgets---BM will then call. I told SD10 " you are not using my minutes to call BM, tell BM if you do not come home I will call her."
We will see what happens....
I'm definitely not giving my minutes to BM either... she'll then have my cell number too. If she can't find BF, she'll probably call and bitch at me instead. No way!
~Lizzy (NotMadeOfMoney)
"Who needs therapy when you have wine." ~Anonymous
kids and cell phones
Lizzy, while I think the appropriateness of a younger child having a cellular phone is a matter of opinion, I can speak to ensuring that those bills never get out of control (as they sometimes have a way of doing, especially on teenagers' phones). I'm not trying to overtly plug here, but I think this is relevant: I work for the consumer advocacy division of the company Validas where we electronically audit and subsequently reduce the average cell bill by 22 percent though our website, Put simply, Validas guards against frivolous and unnecessary charges that inflate your cell bill more than it should be for your usage. You can find out for free if can modify your plan to better suit your needs by going to the website.
For more information, check out Validas in the media, most recently on Fox News at .
Good luck to everyone reading on cutting your wireless costs.
Consumer Marketing Manager,
My ds has had a cell phone since his dad moved LD. It really facilitates their communication. My skids are teens/adults and have cell phones long before I entered the picture.
I was just talking to DH about this 2 nights ago. A lot of the girls I work with have given their children (some as young as
cell phones so they can call Mom and Dad when walking home or if something happens at the other parents and schedules need to be arranged or if something happens at school. It seems to be a more common practice now. I think it depends on the kid and on the cell phone plan and rules.
I guess it has become more common place now....
Our BM really does not like to let DH talk to SD - so i am sure if we bought a cell phone she would probably take it from her.
Now that the court order states he gets to talk to her daily before bedtime for at least 30 (conversation never more than 10 minutes anyway) it would be good if she goes back to trying to block his communication.
Then there would be no issue - maybe!
My opinion - it depends on the child and the situation.
********She doesn't have to love me or even like me - it doesn't change a dang thing..... So get over it and move on BM!************