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Sd is back home. Not happy

NotCinderellasmom's picture

Sd and I got into an argument. She left but nowhere to go so husband let her back because he said he didn't want her sleeping in her car. Sd said she was sorry, not to me of course, but that we are always treating her like a child and that is why she called me a Bitch, in front of my kids, and left. 

She is only back because MIL wouldn't let her stay with her. So, she is here and not talking to me (very glad) or husband. She leaves a room if I come in or waits for me to leave. She is doing little irritating things around the house (nothing major) but I don't like it. She still talks to my kids her half sisters but it just irritates me. Technically she is out of my sight but I am still not happy. I want her gone but can not give a reason as to my feelings now that she is back and leaving me alone. 

I just feel uncomfortable and like I have to keep my alert googles on all the time. Why cant I just be happy she is out of my hair?


JRI's picture

How old is she?

NotCinderellasmom's picture

she is 22 almost 23. Just got a job doing security that her Dad helped her get. she doesnt help with any household anything so she has money but she does buy her own food now.

JRI's picture

Is her mother in the picture? You can't be happy because it's just time for her to go.  I realize if she just started a job, she probably cant afford it yet.  Lots of oeople on this site talk about launch plans.  You might want to search this site for that, you'll get lots of info.  Then, I'd talk with DH and eventually SD about her own personal launch plan.

I get the impression she is the oldest.  Doing the launch plan exercise would be good for the others to see.



NotCinderellasmom's picture

her mother passed away when she was about 2 weeks old. Her dad and I met when she was 9. I asked him about her moving . He said she doesnt want to live with us so she will move soon. I said what if your wrong and she wants to stay he just said no she doesnt want to stay.

JRI's picture

You want her to move, she wants to move, win, win.  Now it's just a matter of how and when.  Search those launch plans, its just a matter of logistics.  Even if it can't happen right away, having a concrete plan will help you tolerate for awhile.

simifan's picture

Wow. I would have serious issues wih how disrespected you are in your own home by an ADULT. Do you even have an end date? You have a serious DH Problem. 

CLove's picture

If she is iving under YOUR roof, that you either pay bills for or not (doesnt matter), then she will be required to pay the minimal modicum of human respect. "good morning", "goodnight", "hello", and "goodbye". Nothing more is needed but that. She will respond when spoken to. This, or she can live elsewhere.

So - there is no question as to why you feel bad with her there, disrespecting you. The energy is bad. Its soul-suckingly bad.

Get that launch plan, pronto.