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Step grandad prints 20s....

notastepyet's picture

So while we had SSs last week older step son asked me if he could play DD12s play station (she went with my mom for the evening)....I told him, oh that's not DDs that's my play station....because I paid for it. (Lol). He looked at me funny because of course they don't understand that having things like that is a privilege, so he says well can I play YOUR play station? I said absolutely you can. And thank you for asking permission Smile

I then explained to all the SSs that nothing in the house belonged to children. That FDH and I work very hard to be able to provide them with fun things to play with and that until they all get jobs and buy things for themselves, FDH and I own everything, which also gives us the right to take things away if children choose to misbehave. The response I got was "oh".

Later that evening FDH was getting the boys into the bathtub when SS7 asked how much I paid for the playstation. FDH said is was about $200 (I bought it used). Ss7 says oh, we'll step Grand pa can buy that. He has all kinds of money. He prints out 20s.

FDH was one, upset that ss7 repeated such a thing, even if it was said to the boys jokingly they think step grand dad actually counterfeits money....and of course there's nothing wrong with that. Two, was upset that his boys have no apparent recognition of the value of money because step grand dad will just get them whatever they want, and they expect him to do such things.

After FDH told me about what was said I said to FDH and what did you say to that? Well, nothing. So I explained to him that there is absolutely nothing wrong with him having conversations with his boys about money and appreciating what people do for them instead of expecting it. Just because BM sees nothing wrong with her children expecting every little thing doesn't mean FDH has to follow suit. And we won't. I explained to FDH that the only way the boys will learn anything different is by being taught, and apparently BM has no intention of teaching her children these things because she herself doesn't work for what she wants.

Also, a good topic was brought up in my last post that we definitely have an issue with....child centered parenting. I believe that it is my job as a parent to raise productive, well adjusted adults to send out into the world. My home is definitely not "child centered". BMs home all about the boys. (So she says) their wants and needs and feelings and ect blah blah blah. Those boys have no handle on the real world. And I feel bad for them. Cause reality is gonna throat punch them when they get older and realize that an employer does not care what they want and need or if their feelings get hurt.

Sigh. I guess we can only do what we can do and hope for the best. What is the point of child centered parenting anyway? All I see it doing is raising spoiled, entitled, selfish little jerks who are seriously stunted emotionally. Am I wrong?


Jsmom's picture

You are doing nothing wrong, your husband missed out on a teaching moment with his kids. Those are moments we have to take advantage of. He screwed up and that needs to be pointed out to him. I have a BS19 and I still have these kind of conversations with him.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I never heard of that. Our home is the adults are in charge and the skids have to follow our rules.

Unfortunatelly, the skids live in a "BM is the center of the universe" home and all things revolve around keeping BM fat and happy. This atmosphere is what causes us the most problems.