
Not a Mom but still responsible's picture

Hi Everyone, 

please don't judge me. I need your advice!

I have been through an emotional rollercoaster for the past few years. Ever since my Fiancé and I decided to live together I have though about leaving several times. If you read my previous post you see the last major issue we went through. SS lives with mom during the week and comes weekends. Since the last post I have made it clear that I don't babysit anymore but there's always things that have to be done "really quick" so he stays with me for a bit. The problem now is that my stepson, 8 years old, is not being taught any manners. When he talks back to me my fiancé says he doesn't mean it in a bad way. Every time I say something it is then turned around on me and said I'm the bad one.  Ive decided I am just staying out of it all together. I don't babysit and don't teach manners but I won't be disrespected. (It sounds bad but it might work for us this way) 

This weekend I got so upset because ( remember I can't say his son can't come this or any weekend because no matter what he will come but) his mom goes away or has things to do and she can say don't bring him for this many days! Another thing this weekend.. Every time I would say you need to do this or that to SS, fiancé would say you don't need to. An then the manners or lack of manners kills me.. I was watching tv and they get home from playing outside SS asks his dad if he can play and his dad says yes SS grabs the remote to turn on the play station like Im not there watching tv. 

BUT TODAY he comes to me and says that my stepson's mom decided he will be living with us after the school year ends. I feel evil I feel mean I feel like the worst person ever but I will leave. If this really happens I'll leave. It's my home and I'm not asked anything! How is it that everything in my house and life is decided by my fiancé and his ex! The whole situation (including my previous post) has caused me to feel resentment against my fiancé and even his son. (I'm evil, I know).  

i might be speaking out of anger but I don't know if it's all worth it. Sometimes I think fiancé is mad because I don't want to be my SS keeper anymore.  



tog redux's picture

I would leave too, I don't blame you. He allowed the kid to grab the remote from you when you were watching TV? Nope. You might be able to endure it for 2 days but not every day.

You aren't evil at all, you sound like you actually have your head on straight and can see who the real problem is (your fiance).

PokaDotty's picture

I live in Central Florida.... Do you need help packing?

A lifemate should treat you as an equal and value your opinion. This relationship will never work on the path it's on now. The resentment is strong already and if he arbitrarily moves in his rude kid with no discussion, that would be a deal breaker. 

Stepdrama2020's picture

Dang it please PLEASE please follow through with ending it if SS comes to live with you. Even if he doesnt your fiance is not a good one. He obviously disrespects you and SS follows his lead.

Do not marry like ever to this man..He aint marriage material, feck he aint even friend material. Would you let a friend treat you this way? I sure hope not so then why would you let someone who supposedly loves you treat you this way? You will be miserable. Everyones needs comes before you, your fiances, SS, and BM. Love yourself  Be the one person in your life that puts you first.

bananaseedo's picture

You aren't evil, you are smart and see reality.  I would break with him now and find a nice childless man.  Listen, even if the sone doesn't move in now- there's a chance he will, a VERY likely chance at some point.  You already know this doesn't work for you and your dh seems spineless and this will always be an issue.  Cut your losses, will be hard at first but it will be worth it.

thinkthrice's picture

You do not become pregnant.  This "man" is not parent material.  RUN LIKE THE WIND!!!!!

notarelative's picture

You have a fiancé problem. He is not parenting his son. Think carefully about whether you want a minimum of ten more years of this (SS is 8). SS hasn't even entered the emotional teen years when even the best kids try one's patience. It can, and most likely will, get worse.

It is probably time to plan your exit from this relationship. Double check your birth control. Get all your important papers out of the house and into a safe place. Who stays and who leaves depends on whether it's a rental or who owns it. Get some legal advice if you need it. Once you separate, your life will get better.

Winterglow's picture

Evil? Are you kidding me? You are the only normal person in this situation. Please get out while you can. Don't throw your life away on this guy. You are worth so much better. Hugs. 

yougotthis's picture

What did you do when he took the remote like that? I would not stand for that. I woulda taken the remote right out of his hand and explained to him he does not get to do that to you as you are an adult and it is your TV. We don't allow my Skid's to do that to each other, let alone an adult in the house. I woulda taken his playstation away from him for a few days. What a brat. Your Fiance has allowed this though, and THAT is the problem. 

ndc's picture

In your situation I would leave too.  However, I would not be leaving because I didn't want to live with the SS (although I wouldn't).  In fact I probably wouldn't wait to see if the kid moved in.  I would be leaving because I would have no interest in a relationship with a man who had so little regard and respect for me and my feelings and opinions that he would agree to something so major without discussing it with me and having my consent.

Merry's picture

You are so beaten down that you think your normal reactions to allowing a disrespectful 8-year-old to run your house is evil. That makes me sad.

Your wants and needs are just as important as your fiance's. But apparently he doesn't think so. Please don't settle for this "partner," because he's a lazy, selfish man who cares more about his own comfort than he does about you. He doesn't even care enough about his child to teach him basic manners because it's "too hard" to deal with the pouting and arguing, right?

Imagine this child as a teenager. Get out now.

lieutenant_dad's picture

I became an unexpected full-time SM because BM just couldn't do it. I understand all the feelings you're feeling about the prospect of a kid living with you full time and how that will change your life.

It is working for me because 1) I have authority in my home; 2) YSS is respectful, and; 3) YSS is older enough to not need a babysitter. If DH didn't allow me to parent his son but expected me to care for him AND YSS lacked basic manners, I'd have packed my bags and left. It would just be too much, and my DH knows that.

Your FH is an arse. He isn't ready to be in a long-term relationship, much less prepping for marriage, because he doesn't know how to be a loving, decent boyfriend and a single father. You're not evil. You have realistic expectations, and he's entirely bonkers for not being able to accommodate them.

Do what you have to do for you. This wouldn't be sustainable for me. I've been married before to someone who made selfish decisions about how our life would be and pouted when it didn't go that way. Leaving him improved my life 100 fold.

Kaylee's picture

You make it sound as if it is your home.

If that is the case, kick this loser and.his son to the kerb ASAP. They both show you zero respect....DO NOT TOLERATE.

The guy is treating you like dirt and his son is following his abysmal example.

Tell him you are the one who decides who lives in your home, not him.

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

If you leave, make sure you let your fiance know it's all his fault.

If he was a better father and a better boyfriend you wouldn't feel the need to walk away from this relationship.if he respected you enough to treat you like an equal partner and discuss life events with you or demand his son show you respect. You wouldn't be made to feel like an outsider I'm your own home.

Wish him luck, because no woman will be happy in a relationship where they don't matter.

shamds's picture

A real man, a gentleman makes sure his kids show respect to his wife or partner/fiance. If you are contributing to rent/mortgage/utilities and groceries then he needs to discuss with you.

in a partnership, you don't get to make executive decisions involving another persons life, space and finances which is what he has done. 

when he tells you i will be out a bit and can you watch ss, answer is a condescending NOOOOO! If fiance says its only a few mins, your answer is NOOOOO!. If he starts getting snarky at you, leave the house for a bit, and if you wanna be sarcastic, tell him if he is only going out for a bit then he can take ss.

my husband refused to protect me against ss crappy behaviour attitude and disrespect until 3 yrs into our marriage i told him things were gonna change now or we'd be getting a divorce immediately. It hit him then that this crappy attitude and disrespect of ss was uncalled for and out of line.

stand up for yourself hun because this man sure aint gonna

Ispofacto's picture

Beware of changes for the better.  They are temporary.  When someone shows you who they are, believe them.