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Christmas Gifts..?

not the mamma's picture

As I've mentioned before, BM and I co-parent well together. My DH owns his own business and works 80+ hours a week, and with split custody it is just easier that BM and I have contact to discuss everything about SD5.

My question is.. what do we get BM from SD5 for Christmas? and do I get her something? She gets me something little every year.. and The past few Christmas's we have just been giving small things or a hand written card from SD but its been 3 years now and I feel like a bitch when she shows up with a gift for ME, and we only have a gift from SD.

I know most of you will find this extremely weird but I'm in a rare situation and I just don't know what is "okay" to give BM?


Glassslipper's picture

^^^ AGREE ^^^ NOT that I will be within 50 feet of BM ever again for any reason after her years of abuse, but if she were mentally normal, I would imagine I would get her something similar.

fakemommy's picture

I think a gift card is perfect in this situation. Not too personal and not too impersonal.

StepKat's picture

A giftcard sounds just right. OP's lucky she has a nice BM. If our BM tries to give me a gift it's going in the garbage when the kids aren't looking.

No saint's picture

I like aswang's suggestion; a bottle of wine is rather appropriate as it's not personal (she may share with her husband or friends) and it's usually appreciated.