What a F#*@$ing Jerk He was last night!!!
I just wanted to scream I was sooooooooooo pissed off. I was gona blog but I was again toooooo pissed off. Went to bed early and cryed myself asleep which I have not done in a long time. Midnight He gets into bed and wants to snuggle his arms around me like how we always sleep, I kick him. He rolls over. 4am he trys snuggling again, this time he got punched. 5am I still so pissed off at him and now can not sleep any longer so I get out of bed. We argured over his bitchy,evil,manipulateing,selfish,DIRTY,disturbing,Drama Queen daughter.I just want to get the F#@& out of here somtimes. Its her that makes me so miserable and how he caters to her. Makes me sick!!! And Im so tired of hearing "she is being 6" No she is not asshole. Other kids dont behave like her. This kid is EVIL 666!!!!!!
- nononsense's blog
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As you probably know, kids
As you probably know, kids will try and get away with what they CAN get away with, so your ultimate problem is biodad who is ALLOWING his daughter, most likely out of sheer GUILT to act like a conniving maniac.
You can try and approach this calmly when things settle down and say that you need children to have boundaries in your home no matter whose child it is. Then name specifics. If he starts to take offense, this is your cue to RUN LIKE THE WIND!!!
Setting her up for faliure is
Setting her up for faliure is what I think, He is a very good responsible father. But he caters and coddles her. Its sick.
A "good, responsible" father
A "good, responsible" father does NOT cater and coddle his children.
He's more guilty than he his good.
Bring up rules and boundaries for her and see how fast his fur goes up on edge.
If that's the case, then bail NOW! Seriously this doesn't get any better.
Sounds like sd6, she can be
Sounds like sd6, she can be quite manipulative, obnoxious and have the every one should have their eyes on me attitude. SO doesn't put up with it though, he gives her attention and love like normal parents do but he doesn't coddle or baby her. It took him a long time to realize that when either skid does something quite rotten and they run to him and try to crawl up his leg, clawing at him saying I love you I love you when he's disciplining them that it's a manipulative tactic to get out of punishment, he no longer feeds into them, if he's got them in trouble and they try to pull that crap he let's them know that they are to finish their time out or whatever and then he will be happy to give them attention. They seem to be getting it, slowly but they are getting there.