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Still on my visitation extended weekend.......

no validation's picture

So let's catch up from my proud moment on Friday.....

After I talked to DH and he told me that he would be picking up SK's and let me know if I needed to bring BS to basketball practice, I get a call about 515 saying that SD was not ready, did not have her, nor SS's things packed for the weekend and now he was running late because he had to go get SS then go BACK to get SD. My response was ok, I'll take BS to practice and meet him there. (I think he was upset because he expected me to then offer to go get SD or something and I didn't) Then I get another call from DH saying he is in front of SD house and waiting cause she has no concept of the importance of time (welcome to MY world). I say I am sorry and on my way to practice and I will get the boys started, which I do. DH comes to practice about 15 minutes late. SS comes and gives me a hug and SD says NOTHING to me, which is the same thing that happened last weekend that I tried to address with DH cause it is disrespectful. But once again, I am not allowing her to upset me so I give DH a kiss goodbye and take BD with me to go to the bookstore for a book she needs for school. DH calls me after practice asking me if I am going to get the pizza and stuff for our regular Friday night family night (pizza and a movie), and I say yes. We all get home at the same time and still SD doesn't speak to me. DH also reminds me that SD has physical therapy Sat morning at 930. Saturday morning I get BK's and SS up so we can go to breakfast and go find a present for my friends babyshower later that day. SD is still in the bed eventho DH has asked her to get up and ready a number of times. We leave and have a great breakfast. ****Sidenote, SS broke BS ipod so I was going to get myself a new one (the one I had was broke by DH a year ago, DH gave me his and bought himself a new one), hand down mine to BD and BS gets BD's....everyone gets an upgrade. DH tells me I only need an 80G like his and not a 120G (I know this is cause I can never one up him, altho he has a different BS reason). So I buy the 120G cause it is my money from my bonus and that is what I want. I also buy SS some pajamas and a shirt that he wanted (even tho I said I wasn't spending any of MY money on SK's anymore.....I love him, what can I say?:) )We get home and dressed and BD and I go to the babyshower, which I didn't invite SD to cause she is not talking to me. We then meet up with the rest of the family for the basketball playoff game. AFterwards we go to the mall and eat dinner there and shop. We go home and everyone gets ready for bed. Sunday we go to "church" and then home. (DH gets an attitude with me beacuse I bought the ipod I wanted and doesn't talk to me the rest of the day, didn't even cuddle with me last night) It is then that SD starts talking to me cause she wants me to format her ipod with stuff on my itunes. The rest of the night she acts like there is no problems, talking to me like everything is back to normal and she didn't say a few weeks earlier that I was a stalker and she wanted me to go back to whereever I came from. Oh, BTW, she decided to sleep most of the day when BD and I were cooking dinner, even tho DH had asked her to wake up 5....yes 5 times to come and help us. I finally told DH that he needed to get her up so she could do her part of the kitchen (putting away the clean dishes and making koolaid) so we could finish dinner. Before the kids went to bed I had them all pack their lunches because SD always expects to buy lunch, but it is our rule to have them take lunch, and I wanted to make sure there was no excuses on SD or DH part of her not following our rules.

Anyway, so here we are on Monday. DH gets up and gets SS dressed and gets SK's off to school/daycare. I notice that SD didn't take the lunch she packed (like I am suprised) and when DH comes home he tells me she forgot it, but BS can buy lunch today too, just to be fair (BD was already gone to school). I told him that BS already made his lunch and will stick to the rules. Oh, I forgot to tell about the news from Sunday. SD decided to inform us that she has a playoff game monday night. We have religious studies Monday nights. Isn't that nice....... So we will see what happens tonight. The SK's go home tomorrow (BM is to get them from school) and DH has yet to have the talk with the family that he said we would have this weekend. The one from the email that went like this....
"My main concern is to remove the tension in my house. We all will be talking this weekend. But I need to know what you need to be the mother again.You are mom but this last incident has created tension that I want to start the healing process. This will allow you to feel better about being the mom of the house. I need to know what are the steps required to heal the family."

As I said before......he really refuses to deal with anything and that is really frustrating.....

Oh, one more thing.......

DH and I did get into it Saturday morning via messenger because my BS usually plays in the Friday night basketball league (which is no practices, just a game every friday night to keep up the playing). SD voiced some desire to play in the Friday night league and DH told her ok he would check into it. So he usually coaches BS in this and I am ok with him coaching SD instead (it would be the first year of him doing this for her), because all the other coaches want my BS to play for them anyway. So the convo went like this......

Me: Are you planning on doing Friday night league with ****(BS)?
DH: No, me and him working at the gym
Me: why?
DH: I need to help him break his bad bball habits, one on one coaching, our spring training.
Me: so he can't do both?
DH: no, too time consuming. Then we can do weight training for football.
Me: Is ***(SD) doing Friday nights?
DH: I'm telling you my plan. He won't excell doing that, he needs to get more advanced. He's staying with bad habits that need to go away.
Me: os ***(SD) doing friday nights? And what do you mean too time consuming, it is 1 night a week. I figure if you are doing friday nights with ***(SD) I can do friday nights with ****(BS) and then whenever you wanted to go to the gym with ***(BS) and do 1 to 1 coaching you could.
DH: No. I don't want him playing anymore organized bball until after football.
Me: Why not? I need to understand.
DH: I just said why, you are not listening. You need to trust me.
Me: You said it was too time consuming, I'n not consuming your time. Is ***(SD) doing friday nights?
DH: what ***(SD) does is not important, I know you think it is, but it isn't. And you need to trust me.
Me: Of course it isn't. Are you doing friday nights with ***(SD) DH?!?!
Me: Nevermind. I know this has not become an issue till ***(SD) asked about Friday night leagues. This is extra time for him to play and you always thought it was a good idea in the past(last week). No one is asking you not to take care of ***(SD). I am asking that ***(BS) be taken care of too. He doesn't have to play under you. You can spend as much time in the gym with him as you will. My fear is it will turn out like everything else honestly. And ***(BS) will end up doing nothing and I don't think that is fair.
DH: Either you trust me or not. You decide. I love each child too, you are not the only one. I am the bball player, I have a plan for ***(BS), you have a desire for it. It should be my decision, but I am not going to fight about it. The past is the past and I have made changes and continue to do so. If you want to continue to grade me on my past I will never be any good.
Me: OK hunny I will trust you. We will need to talk to ***(BS) and set up the expectations with him and explain why. He is the one that brought up the friday night league to me.
DH: Thank you and I promise not to let you regret it.

Then yesterday he informed me that he will be having BS and SD working together and again'st eachother on the court (is that concidered 1 on 1 coaching?)

So I would like to know am I wrong here? I conceeded beacuse I have to at least give DH the opportunity to suceed right? I am just so tired of me and mine getting left to the waist side.

*cheers* here is to another 24 hours with the SK's.....I know I am rambing, but had to get it all out.


Sita Tara's picture

Holy multitasking BatWoman!

There are so many issues going on at once here. I really feel for you.

As far as the Ipods- it's funny because DH got me an MP3 player for my b-day, and SD and BS 13 had them from last year. Well...then the marketing bonanza media succeeded in teaching our kids that an MP3 player wasn't good enough for them and they talked their other parents into the upgrade (stupid in my opinion- just brand name brainwashing.) I NEVER even used my MP3 player yet. DH took it upon himself to start downloading my songs onto it this week (my next birthday is a month away.) I think he learned not to buy me electronic gadgets that I don't ask for!)

ANYHOO, he said something about my "Ipod" and SD says, "YOU have an IPOD????" DH said, "I meant her MP3 player." SD said, "Oh...." I was really struck by her reaction of excitement that I was finally understanding the importance of an Ipod! Not.

Anyway, little league is coming up for us again and I hate it. I hate how it interferes with our lives and we are expected to drop everything and run around to all the kids games all over the county. I am amazed how it has changed from when we were kids where there weren't travel leagues this young and kids could ride their bikes to the games most of the time.

And FINALLY lunches. When SD repeatedly forgot her lunch she was given pb and j at school AND had to pay it back herself. I would advise that one.

We switched to buying all lunches this year because frankly I'm sure I wasn't packing for less than 1.50-2.00 a day and that's what our lunches cost.

Good luck with all the craziness!

Peace, love, and red wine