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Just have to vent!!!!!

Newstep's picture

I know we all deal with this crap all the time!! But it just pisses me off so bad that BM gets an outrageous amount of money every month!! Yet whenever SD needs anything she comes to us to ask for it. Then SO sings the gulty daddy theme song "my child will not go__________" hungry, cold,you name it!!

Only its more like with out 30.00 to go to movies with her friend or yet another hoodie, jacket, or sweatshirt. I'm sorry but if she wants money to go to the movies (while she is with BM) she can go to her worthless BM. If she needs another hoodie because she can't find the one we bought her TOUGH SHIT!!! Then if SO tells her you mom can buy it this time its the same old "my mom doesn't have any money". If I have to hear that one more time I will lose it!!! Then he goes right back to guilty daddy she needs a sweatshirt its cold outside!! Well then maybe she should keep track of ther belongings!!

We JUST spent 300.00 on her bday last weekend. Now she calls and wants 30.00 to go to the movies with her friends this weekend. Oh then she adds "don't worry dad mom will take me to pick it up so you don't have to bring it" are you smoking crack???? SO called me to tell me about the phone call and I added how is she calling you when she should be in school. I would bet money SD missed school today because of some "illness" she should have been with us last night and back to BM's today after school. But she called SO and whined about needing to spend time with SD21 before she moves away so he let her spend the night at BM's last night. I told him you know she is going to miss school don't you?? He says no she won't :jawdrop: WTF she misses at least two days of school a week when she is with BM. SO get your head out of your ass!!!!

I am just so aggravated I am trying to save money so we have a nice cushion in case of an emergency. Not so that he can funnel more money to SD all in the name of "my child will not go without" it makes me :sick:


daisy0202's picture

My Dh always give SD16 money....When she asks BM her response is always I have no money....But she smokes, goes tanning, drinking every weekend (even when has SD) but no SD no money for you ask daddy!!! I feel your pain...

DaizyDuke's picture

don't worry dad mom will take me to pick it up so you don't have to bring it"

so classic.... Both BMs in my case, RARELY will even offer to meet DH half way for pick-ups and drop offs.. I'm talking like maybe a couple times a YEAR if that, and only if it's a convenience for them somehow... but by golly, if they are calling for money? They'll be right over in a jiffy to pick it up. So pathetic!

Newstep's picture

Oh yeah and like it's an automatic yes to getting it. Like the possibility of hearing NO is out of the question.

Auteur's picture

The Behemoth never offered to do any transport except for a ceremonial "father's day" parade. i.e. she had the PASed out two older ones parade up and down my driveway whilst dropping off Prince Hygiene for his entitlement session (she NEVER did drop offs or pick ups/she feels it's GG's responsibility because it's so good of her just to LET him see his children, never mind provide transport)

As if to say "see what you're missing?" Then they stared right through me, never acknowledging my presence even though I was standing right beside GG.

jenlou's picture

I went though the same thing with two step-children. My husband was paying indefinite alimony support and child support totaled to $2,000.00 per month. We were barley making it, everything we owned in our house for many years was either my things from when I single and living with daughter or things that were giving to us by people as the years went by.. But my husbands teenage daughter at the time would tell him her mother was not buying her this or buying her that. When she went to key west when she was only 15 he gave her $300.00 for spending money, it never stopped with her ever. My step-son was the same but he did it in a different way with his father. If he wanted something he got it, one Christmas he wanted a electric scooter, it cost us $600.00 and he got it.. He wanted a dirt bike, he got it, the outfit for the dirt bike cost over $200.00.
It never stopped...This has been going on for 12 long years now.. SD is 23 and my SS is 20..
We could not afford any of these things but it never stopped them from getting what they wanted.