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Does this punishment fit the crime???????

Newstep's picture

Blog hog today Smile

SD has been getting horrible grades. School hasn't been in session long but we got her progress report and it was C's and D's mostly due to not turning in homework. Yet every day when she is with us and I come home she "has no homework" or "finished it already" and she is sitting watching TV.

I raised three kids so I knew she was full of shit but I guess she is stupid too because it was going to catch up to her sooner rather than later. So we got the progress report and SO took her phone and had a talk with her. He felt good about it but I knew better she just listens to him and still does her own thing. Well we checked her grades last Friday and lo and behold she had missing assignments. So she was "grounded" all weekend. Grounding to me is stay in your room with your school books come out to eat and use the bathroom and that is it. She spent most of her time wandering around the house needing this or getting water or sharpening a pencil or whatever else she could think of to get out of her room. SO let her slide so many times I would come in the living room and she is sitting on the couch watching TV and laughing with SO. I would give him a look and he would send her back to her room.

He was beside himself with such a severe punishment and I told him this has to have an impact on her so she will think about the next time she wants to blow off her homework..

What do you all think?? Too hard on her?? BTW she is 14 and a freshmen in high school.


just.his.wife's picture

Not too harsh.

Not by a long shot.

Perhaps he needs to shoot her phone to get the point across?

sasha101's picture

Definitely not too harsh. My ss16 was a lazy ass when it came to schoolwork and has pretty much failed all his exams. He's now at college re-doing things he should have learned at school which is totaly unnecessary and his own fault for being such a bone-idle jerk. I feel my dh is partly to blame for not pursuing him and letting it slide when he said he had no homework or had finished it etc. If your dh keeps letting this kid get away with getting crap grades, she will end up like my ss so you're right to expect him to step up and make sure he's on her case till she gets it done.

lillfiredog's picture

Not too harsh! Be harsh! They don't have any consequences, they will just keep on doing this stuff~

Newstep's picture

^^^^^^^This a million times over!!!! She is just lazy that is the crux of her problem. She is smart and more than capable but she would rather lie and not do her homework so she can be up my butt or SO's butt. She can't stand to be alone for five seconds. So I thought the grounding to her room would do the trick. But typical SO was so lax on enforcing it that it didn't have the impact I hoped it would. I have online access to her grades so I will be checking them regularly.

My new thing is that she will be in her room studying regardless of whether her homework is done or not until one of us gets home from work. No TV at all until we get home and check her progress. Then back to studying until dinner then maybe some time to watch TV after that.

My eye is on the prize of her moving the heck out as soon as she is 18!!!