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BM is crazy!!!!

Newstep's picture

SD21 is 5 mos pregnant right now. Last week she was having some pain and decided to go to ER so she asked her mom to take her. SD21 called SO and told him about it she said it was probably nothing but she was worried and was going. He says he keep me posted on everything love you. Easy peasy right????

BM blows up his phone he is at work and busy so he can't answer. So she calls like 6 times then texts "911 call me NOW" by the time he gets his phone it's about an hour later. So he checks and panicks thinking its something with SD so he calls her and she says no we are here just waiting to be seen by a Dr he hears BM yelling in the background give me the phone!!! SD says gotta go bye. So he looks at his phone and see's all the 911 texts. Then he listens to the voice mails they start with Call me its important, then Call me please frantic voice. Then a couple of hangups then finally an extremely long one it goes on and on about how when she says 911 that is means that he must call her immediately. Her exact words "911 means call me immediately you should know this already, I just want to make sure I am clear on this if I need you for something you must call me back" all said in a wierd calm voice.

The bad thing is that she is the bitch who cried wolf because she would 911 text him all the time!! For stupid stuff like to ask him where her CS check was or that SD was tardy that day to school. So he stopped responding to her 911 texts.

Everything was fine with SD doc said it was probably stress and she needs to take it easy. SD told SO that her mom flipped out on her when she told her she had already called him to let him know what was going on. She told SD that she is supposed to tell him things like that not SD!! She went on and on about it and poor SD has to sit and listen to her rant and rave in the waiting room of the ER.


Newstep's picture

I know I feel bad for the SD21 but she is choosing to be around her crazy BM. The last voicemail was just so creepy. I mean it was a calm voice and almost like she was scolding a child. BM feels like she is in control of everything that has to do with the kids. Every move must go by her first and she gives the ok. She has come a long way when it comes to SD13 in realizing that she is not in control of what goes on in our house. BUT she has her crazy relapses now and then.

RainbowsAndDaisies's picture

You know, legally she is no longer "bm", so if your DH never spoke to her again and never answered another text, email, or phone call from her again... no one in the legal community would care. You guys have your get out of jail free card... i think you should use it. Give that young woman a "No Crazy Lady - Drama Free" place to be with you you guys if she chooses.

Newstep's picture

We still have SD13 so BM is very much in our lives. SO keeps all contact with her to a minimum because of her past of abusing phone calls and texts. It is really sad that he has to be this way with her, she should be able to contact him if necessary but because she is CRAZY it won't work. She even has SD13 call and then she grabs the phone from her. SO finally told SD that he will no longer put up with that and if she does it again she will lose her phone. Sad that he has to punish SD but telling BM not to do it is a waste of breath.

I always lived about 5 mins away from my ex and we would go years without talking to each other!!!