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zenjetset's picture

So, things have been going pretty terrific with me. FDH is getting on track with things all on his own. We are thriving and it's such an awesome feeling to have the stars and moon aligned once again (hopefully I just didn't jinks myself).

So the lastest is that we got SmartLimits and blocked the narcissist x see you next tuesday from FH phone!!! No more texts, no more voice messages, no more calls harrassing him, insulting me at 6:30am until 11pm++.

So excited. Life is good. Off to drink vino!!


zenjetset's picture

Don't get me wrong, I am NOT a selfish person, I am very caring and understanding and tolerate. However, I am a very blunt and to the point kind of a person as well. I am giving and loving, but have to HAVE TO feel and receive the same, otherwise I am like a light switch - OFF.

Lucky for me I have found a man that is willing to make the necessary modifications to his behavior to make things better for all of us. He sees the light, sometimes right away, mostly over time he figures things out for himself. I think that is important. There is only so much I can hammer into him, before he and I retreat from battle and then eventually (usually day 3) we can compromise or he is seeking more information to finalize his decision. Usually, it's what I was hammering him about.

I am glad that I am inspirational to you blender and hope that you seek your own happiness. Regardless of whether or not your DH is able to make the modifications for his life, for you or for the "new family".

Think of yourself first, in a selfish, selfless way...LOL

caregiver1127's picture

Good for you Zen - you must do what you must do to keep crazy out of your life - Yah and I am glad that hubby is back on track you deserve it!!

zenjetset's picture

the funny part of the story is that this morning when I blocked the number I was off on one of the digits. LOL it was 630am. Anyway, I called AT&T and when I went into the account, gosh darn it, it was wrong and she was texting and calling, DH said I thought you blocked her, I said oh, I thought I did. Anyway, my FDH said it was karma! I think it was just the fact that it was 630 in the morning and I couldn't see straight.

I know she is already NUTS Im thinking she is going to need therapy after it's all said and done.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Hey, you gave her a chance to act like a civilized human being. She chose to act like a truckload of crazy town. What other choice do you have but to shut her out til she gets her crazy under wraps?

I personally consider this a public service. Thank you.

zenjetset's picture

thank you all my friends. I am very happy. It's date night tonight, we are sitting here having wine and beer and watching the game. It;s not my fanasty, but its my quiet time with the person I love the most.