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Bedtime question??

newmom01's picture

Ok question me and dh have been here's dont live with us, they only visit EOW (fri-sun) and go home sunday at 3 or 5pm ... So dh would say "It's the weekend..let them stay up"

And I would say they are only 8 and 9 what the heck do they know about a weekend..... SO should I care if they stay up late, because I dont have to deal with getting them up for school?

The only reason I like them going to bed at a certain time is because of Dh and I work two (babies 18 months and 5 months) go to bed at 8pm (NO LIE) I trained them that way since birth by feeding and bathing them at certain times with instrumental classical musical...and they are out like a light! On a bad night if they are sick or something 9:30 or 10pm at the latest.

But bedtimes help dh and I spend time together in the evenings or just have time to ourselves after a long day.

So what do you think about my situation since they dont live with us ????


Oi Vey's picture

I don't think staying up with cause irreversible damage to the kids. Wink Since your DH seems to have no problem with it, and you would like the adult time (understandably) can you compromise? Say Friday night is "late night" with the kids (maybe pizza and a movie?), and Saturday night they go to bed at a decent time...

I was always a big proponent of bedtimes with my kids.

Justshootme's picture

I have the same problem. My BDs (both college age now) had bedtimes that were 7:30 when they were under 6 and ranged up to 10pm in high school (unless there was a specific reason). SD9 and SD11 (almost 12) are allowed to stay up to whenever they want EOW because he "only sees them for 2 days". The problem is that the oldest one is ALWAYS awake by 6 am regardless of when she goes to sleep. Plus, he always wants to get up and do stuff on Saturday morning so he wakes up the younger one well before she's ready. Well, guess what! Then she's a whiny little brat the rest of the day and he can't figure out why! :O But, does he put her to bed early on Saturday? Nope! Just lets her stay up and then wonders why he can't get her to get up and ready for church the next morning without yelling. :? I just don't get it....

I've started just going to bed when I'm tired and ignoring it. That seems to have gotten the point across since I'm "asleep" by the time he finally gets to bed! Blum 3

mama_althea's picture

I'm a BM as well as a SM. I have to say I never appreciated when my bio-kids were that age and their dad let them stay up late on visitation weekends. It always took a couple days for them to recover and get back into the routine. While I guess it doesn't matter what the BM thinks, it's hard on the skids themselves if they're allowed to stay up too late. A little later might be ok, but not a free for all.

buttercookie's picture

What is the childs normal bed time? I always felt that the kids could stay up an hour later on weekends but they went to be at 8:30 so 9:30 wasn't out of line to me, I'd stretch it or let them stretch it to 10 if we were watching a movie