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How do I change things?

NewMama_with5's picture

I am a new stepmother of 2 wonderful kids. And I cant start to tell you how much I LOVE THEM. I love my husband with all my heart but I am at the end of my rope with the x wife.It seems as if she still calls the all the shots. She says when the kids can talk to us, call us or even see us. They have 50/50 but it just not that good.She calls him all the time to just talk, If she wanted to just talk then you should have just talked when you where married.SHe calls on the 15th of every Month about her chils support and its not even due until the 3rd day of the Month.And it has never been late..I dont know I can go on and on but now I have to just hope for the best and hope things get better..Thanks


SteppingUp's picture

From advice that I've gotten and read about through other members, I think these are the most important things you need to do/have in order to change things in your situation:

A) Make sure your husband feels the same as you do -- that things need to change.
Dirol Make sure you both know what your child support and custody stipulation says to a T so that you know what your rights are and whether she is violating any of those rights. If it's 50/50 I would think it would say something about how often he gets them and also something about his rights to call them/talk to them any time he wants without interferance from the BM.
C) Husband needs to lay down some boundaries. If she is still calling him "just to talk" and it's not about the kids then he needs to take care of that and not humor her anymore.

There's probably more but in my opinion, those are the most important things that need to happen -- you and DH need to be on the same page.

distorted reality's picture
