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BM "Forgetful" with holidays

naturegirl_88's picture

So Halloween is fast approaching and we still haven't heard anything about it from BM. I am not surprised, because she has a habit of "forgetting" about holidays she really doesn't want to deal with. It drives me absolutely crazy, they aren't even my kids and I can remember whose year it is for what holiday, it's not rocket science, I know she tries to play us.
We have gotten stuck with Easter 2 years in a row this way, and missed out on 3 Christmases in a row. She's not big on Easter, she tried doing it again Easter 2015 and it would have been our 3rd Easter in a row with the kids if we hadn't spoken up. We just get her excuse b.s. that she "swore she had them last year" and she "forgot completely" who had them. Every year she "swears" we had them the previous year for X-mas so she can have them, she is big on X-mas. We've looked the other way on that one for a few years just due to the fact with the CS she gets she can afford a better X-mas for them than we can, but we are speaking up this year because they are getting a bit old for the whole santa thing anyways.
Anywho, I just have a feeling she is going to "forget" Halloween this year. What with it being on a Saturday I wouldn't put it past her to try to get out of it so she could go out and party... Not happening, we've put up with her sporadic holiday flip-flopping in the past, but Halloween is MY day and if it's not our year then it's not our year. period. One of my BF's colleauges already hit him up to cover a shift on Halloween since he won't have the kids anyways.
It's just so annoying... god forbid we have them on birthdays and x-mas, that's her time to shine and play mother of the year in front of everyone.. but any other holiday? pft, they just get in her way so hopefully daddy takes them instead.. sorry sweetheart but I am not picking up your slack because you don't wanna deal with your own spawn...


DaizyDuke's picture

You must like your skids? I was ALWAYS happy, don't care what holiday it was, to have skids stay with BM. YIPPEEE YAHOOOOEY!

Ninji's picture

My SO's CO says they alternate years for holidays. They have never done this. We get them every holiday except Thanksgiving and Christmas. SO and BM split the day. I hate it. If BM gets the kids in the morning, SO paces around the house all day waiting for BM to call and say he can come get the Skids. If we have them in the morning, all morning he is whining about Skids having to go to BMs in a few hours....I HATE IT. I wish they would just follow the CO.

naturegirl_88's picture

I can sympathize with you on that one! We are supposed to alternate years as well, I for one am going to enjoy a holiday with just my boyfriend and I for once! You're entitled to enjoy the holiday every other year as a couple, he should appreciate spending the day with you!

canigetabm's picture

I wish BM would take her kid EVER....forget the flipping holidays. Just take your kid - 1 fucking day. I about Mothers day? Nope.....I get her bitchy attitude all day and boo hoo my mom doesnt want me. Great thanks BM.........ok next question.

kaehbee's picture

before our co bm always mucked around with holidays etc. Would insist she have mother's day which was fine but wouldn't allow fathers day at our house. We have always alternated who's house sd wakes up at on Xmas day then exchange happens at midday so she gets to see both on the day. Bm has already started bitching and scheming about how it's her turn and she wants her overnight so sd can spend it with her real family blah blah blah. Sd doesn't want to go so this year we will be sticking to the holidays out significant events mentioned. So Xmas doesn't fall on her weekend.....So sad. Sd gets to stay home with the family that really loves her.