Lessons learned from all of you: Thank you
First off, I want to say thank you to everyone here, past and present, for helping me learn the lessons needed to navigate step life. To recognise toxic and dysfunctional relationships/marriages and that there was life after it. For helping me realise that boundaries in my own home with other people’s children is sometimes necessary, for encouraging me to set expectations – even demands – of the person I wanted to live my life with, for helping me understand that I had the right to set what I wanted out of a marriage when it came to a spouse, my own child and any step children. I think I got it right this time
After cleaning up my own life and baggage after my divorce from IPOD-H, there was a serious period of reflection and introspection. I was quite happy to be a single Mom. Being alone didn’t mean being lonely. And when I wasn’t even looking, I met someone... This was last year April. I had posted at the time that I had met a unicorn. Nice guy, good looking, he hadn’t been married and he had no kids. And everyone said: vet him!! Turn him inside out and find out who he is before anything. Well, I wasn’t ready – still cleaning up my life – and we agreed to meet 6 months later. Silly, I know because life doesn’t wait for you... Well we met 6 months later and yes, he was turned inside out, scrutinised from every angle and fine tooth combed to the point where he probably proverbially screamed...
We both put our expectations, demands, hopes and dreams upfront. All secrets were disclosed, financial transparency revealed through auditors and more vetting done by family and friends. Still good. And then at the end of last year, I was meeting with a different (platonic) friend, gave him a lift to the train station as he was travelling back home and my exSD (the one currently in jail!) saw me kiss him good-bye (in a way I would kiss my brothers and we aren’t into incest!) My exSD announced to my son(then 13) and stepson (who still lives with me even though I divorced his father) that I was “whoring around at the train station” and she was going to tell “Daddddeeee” – even though we were divorced for months. My son asked me if I was seeing anyone and I had to be honest, told him yes... But it wasn’t whom exSD was describing as that was someone my son knew as my friend. So sooner than I would have liked, I introduced my son and stepson to the man I was seeing... No drama occurred.
During this year, they got to know him and he got to know them. And... things are absolutely fine. They all get on great. My partner knew I wasn’t looking for a father figure or replacement Dad for my two boys. (Although technically only one is mine, but I consider both my children.) He knew I was in a position to take care of both without his help. He knew I did not expect him to like or love them, but I did expect him to be accepting of the fact that I was responsible for two young men (13 and 18 then) and I expected him to treat them with decency and respect. In turn, I expected my kids to be respectful of the fact that I was entering a new relationship, that they were to be respectful of him. We all could discuss issues but where the children were concerned my decision would be final. Both he and the kids knew that there were times when either would require my attention but I was not interested in a competition for affection. I could always find a new partner, but I could not find new kids... My kids would grow up and leave one day, independent and on their own, my partner would be with me, hopefully, for the rest of my life... The ground rules were clear and set.
As the months went by, sometimes I felt like the odd wheel!! Happily so! The guys (partner and kids) get on great. They have shared interests, they spend time together or give each other space. There have been no major squabbles and they have been able to sort out their own issues without my intervention. In the same way, I have been able to accept my SS and treat him as my own, my partner has been able to accept that the kids are part of our lives. We don’t have a normal/traditional household: it is me, my son, my SS and my partner. We aren’t all related biologically, but we are related through ties of the heart. I have never asked my partner if he likes or loves the boys: I don’t want to know the answer to that intrusive question, but it is clear there is mutual respect and they like one another. He has never complained about the boys or said something about them that causes me concern. Once when he said he didn't believe stepparenting was hard, I made him read some of the posts on this very site - and it was a shock to him to see the other side of a life he had no idea of. We have a happy home – even if no one is there at the moment...
SS is away in a different city, on an introductory internship relating to his studies. He is turning out to be a great kid!! DS is spending part of the summer holidays with his father’s brother in a different country - still love my son no end! My unicorn and I are on holiday, enjoying the sun . Technically it is our honeymoon... We got married recently– after living together for a while.
Story may seem bizarre, but there are two other people on this site, very dear to me, who have become my friend, who have walked some of this journey with me over the past year and a half. One who was actually my confessor, to whom all secrets were revealed as things progressed and whom I have come to dearly love – even though we have never met in person... The other, who sipped cocktails with me, laughing at the insanity of step life and who is on her own journey of happiness and love. (See you in two weeks!!)
There is life after disaster and mistakes with the wrong person, and through Steptalk, I got my mojo back – to live a happy, loving and authentic life in a household where blood ties and first family issues don’t really matter, except for what we want to create for ourselves. Thank you for the wisdom and lessons you taught me. It has given me months of happiness, love and contentment, free from dysfunction, angst and the insanity of what I know step-life can be. And sometimes, unicorns are real...
Thank you to you all
C xx
- Myss.Tique D'Off's blog
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You sound so happy and I am
You sound so happy and I am happy for you!
We got married recently–
We got married recently– after living together for a while.
So happy for you and congratulations! Unicorns do exist
and after getting rid of all that toxic drama from your life look at you now.....
Shining so bright! Wishing you many happy, healthy and fun-filled years with your new love and sons.
I'm so happy for you!!!
I'm so happy for you!!! Congrats on your marriage, new life, and wishing all 4 of you nothing but the very best!
So happy to hear that you are
So happy to hear that you are doing well!
I'm so very happy for you!
I'm so very happy for you! Cheers, darlin.
Congratulations!!I am so very

I am so very happy for you!!
You deserve all the happiness and love in the world after putting up with the shitstorm of your exH, his new wife and psycho SD.
You always showed so much grace and dignity and came through to the other side a winner!!
Wishing you, the boys and Mr Unicorn a happy future together.
(Smooch the handsome dragon, darling lassie from south of the border: there is Talisker to share!!)
Congratulations! It sounds
Congratulations! It sounds like everyone went into this with eyes wide open (in part thanks to the Ipod-H snafu), which is a great thing. Here's to a lifetime of happiness with your unicorn!!
Thank you again to all of you
Thank you again to all of you, and thank you too, for all the good wishes!
I hope you can feel this huge
I hope you can feel this huge virtual hug and the mad love vibes I'm sending your way!
Congratulations! I am more than happy for you!.
Thank YOU for all your advice, messages and non judgement.
Congratulations!!! I am so
Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you!!! (also this reads like a fairytale and makes my heart so happy!)
Amazing news and
Amazing news and congratulations! So happy for you and your new Mister. Enjoy that honeymoon!
Huge Congratulations!!!!!!!
And much love for your future with Mr Unicorn. Does that make you Mysti-cal?
^ ^ ^ LOLOLOL!
^ ^ ^ LOLOLOL!
At a minimum, it has to be MRS-Not-So-Ticked-Off anymore!
Myss, stories like yours give
Myss, stories like yours give such hope to those in the trenches. I am SO happy for you! Congratulations!!! *yahoo*
Congratulations....much love and happiness to you.
I have to believe...I do want to believe...that most of the step family relationships in this life are not that of which we experience here. I feel confident that is so. Most decent people raise from the start children to be respectful, decent, moral, responsible, functional people.
I myself come from a step family with 7 offspring combined and have never seen nor heard of the likes I have personally experienced and seen here...to include me. I love my stepparent and step siblings. The lives we have been privy to here are not the fault of the children adult and otherwise, rather the parents our spouses. Some of us have been successful with our spouses who finally get it, others hang in there not so fortunate ☹️
Congratulations on your marriage and hope nothing but sunny skies for you!