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Introducing myself :)

mumma.bear1990's picture

Hi there Smile I'm Zee, 26 and I'm from Australia. I've been lurking in the background since being pregnant (last year some time) but have recently made an account and started commenting on stuff. And you must be all wondering who I am lol ! Well maybe. I just wanted to introduce myself and say thank you for all your posts (I get so much validation and great advice just by reading other people's posts) and I've learnt so much off here Smile
Also I have two sons ; one who is almost 7 ( his dad has passed away) and a 6 month old to current partner. Partner also has a 4 year old son who he has custody of (Monday to Friday). We do not live together as I'm not ready to take his son on Sad I'm really lost on what to do and where to go from here so I'm just living life one day at a time.
Thank you for taking the time for reading and also if someone could give me a quick rundown on some of the abbreviations used on here that would be much appreciated. I've worked most out but there are some I don't understand.


Maxwell09's picture

Hi, welcome to the board. My SS is also 4 and I have a one year old. I enjoy finding people on here that have Skids around the same age mine so I can decide if what's going on is his age or his situation. I will say that if you enjoy your partner being a parent to your skid then you need to remain living apart. It'll be tough but not nearly as destructive and stressful as living together. Many here would prefer to live separately from their skids and so even manage to do it without ending their relationship. You're in a good position.

mumma.bear1990's picture

Hi nice to meet you Smile and that would be helpful to me also, as I've forgotten what age 4 was like sort of, but I do know he is soooooo different to my son. Which makes things hard. My son is very calm and gentle and my SS definitely has some behavioural issues. Sometimes I'm made to feel like it's just me who thinks so but I'm pretty sure of it lol ! Quite sure there is some ADD there (I know this as I have ADD) and most probably some ODD also. He also has speech issues which I've finally been backed up on by daycare and now the doctor. And thanks I feel it's better for us to not live together also. He has been saying though that he would give his son to BM and move on with me but we would have him every weekend. But I don't want him to make this decision and everyone blames me for it.

Stepped in what momma's picture


•sm = stepmother
•sd = stepdad
•bm = biological mother
•bf = usually biological father but every now and then some use for boyfriend
•sd = step daughter
•ss = step son
•bs = biological son
•bd = biological daughter
•dw = darling wife
•dh = darling husband
•dd = darling daughter
•ds = darling son
•poa = power of attorney
•cs = child support
•mil = mother-in-law
•fil = father-in-law
•pas = Parental Alienation Syndrome

Monchichi's picture

DF = is darling fiance
FH = future husband

In some cases we have kindly named our steps, ex wives, ex husbands and in laws Wink

oneoffour's picture

As a Kiwi I forgive you for being Australian }:)
Welcome to this crazy surreal through-the-lookinglass world. And good for you for not falling down the rabbit hole into quasi step motherhood

mumma.bear1990's picture

Hahaha one of four you made me laugh out loud at the dentist ! Are we the only non-Americans here? And thank you all for welcoming me.

mumma.bear1990's picture

Hahaha one of four you made me laugh out loud at the dentist ! Are we the only non-Americans here? And thank you all for welcoming me.