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URGENT- What does anyone know about IEP's? I'm in OH

mrsparks's picture

BM just called DH asking for our address

SS hasn't been in daycare consistently for over 2 years
He is very delayed in his speech

DH said- "I know you are not trying to send him to school this year" "he's not ready" [He will be 5 in August]

She informed DH that she's not sending him to school, but to daycare and they have a speech therapist and an IEP program-

I have never heard of this program being offered in a daycare, has anyone else?

I feel that she's trying to dump SS into school because without her working, she no longer gets a voucher for his daycare and she can't afford it on her own, and if she claims he's disabled then she can get him in the program -

A child wouldn't be entered into this type of program for speech alone would they?

Court is coming up and I think she's trying to pull a fast one..


lil_teapot's picture

They put kids in IEP for many reasons--my oldest skid is in it.
What they're calling independent education plan is what we used to call 'special education' when i was in school. (no offense to anyone)
I have been offended by the school/bm putting the oldest skid into IEP because he does not have any "disabilities"--he can read, write, talk, etc. He is not learning or developmentally disabled in any way. When he was growing up he had problems with his eyes, so they're mildly crossed...It could have been fixed with surgery or different glasses, but this isn't the most medically advanced place so, who knew. Anyways, in working with him, he is not 'special' or anything I used to know as 'disabled' when I was in school (again sorry if I have said anything offensive, I don't mean it). We're working on math, english, etc. because he's lazy, NOT developmentally challenged.
So I don't know what to tell you. It sounds kinda harsh to label a child so early as needing special education, but from what I seem nowadays, it isn't such a big deal.
(again, sorry if I said any of that wrong or offended anyone...I didn't at all mean to offend anyone)

mrsparks's picture

I am not easily offended, I just need help on this matter
We don't have any rights as of yet and BM knows that, I fear she's going to throw this child under the bus so to speak for her own evil benefits, she was never interested in helping him up until we were taking her to court

Thetis's picture

"We don't have any rights as of yet and BM knows that"
Was there a prior court document saying she has sole custody?

mrsparks's picture

I printed everything off

tryingtokeepthesanity's picture

The kid has to be enrolled to get it and yes like above it is "special education" mostly the kid can go in and out of a normal classroom. Also, you can request a review every year for reevaulation. The schools get extra money for IEP kids.

My BS went thru psychological testing and educational testing and the school decided against an IEP because he was capable just a little lazy. They called the meeting due to his low grades.

My 3 SS were all on IEPs when they lived with BM (dyslexia, autism and ADD) But after not even a year with DH SS14 (then 11) was cured of dyslexia lol and SS13 (then 10) has been cured of autism. BM was just lazy and wanted the school to give her children help instead of her. My MIL stated that when they were very young the TV was the babysitter and didn't even go to pre school.

They are now all A & B students....its amazing how learning disabilities can be cured.

non_mom23's picture

IEP means individual educational program...I'm in college for school psychology and my mother is a special education teacher, I also volunteer in her classroom...anyway, I know a decent amount about them.

IEP's are all individual, they are not bad, they are meant to help the child learn at their own rate and the way they can learn the best. I would make sure that the father and mother, even you, sit down with all involved in your SS's IEP program and discuss it. There are annual meetings, CSE meetings (committee of special education) that involve parents, students and all involved in each students IEP's.

Again they are not bad, they are actually helpful b/c they are individual programs based upon how each student learns.

stepof 1nitemare's picture

I am in Ohio and I am a teacher.. I am unfamiliar with any IEPS being designed in a day care setting so I would need to know..

1. Is this day care based in a school?
2. Is this day care a Head Start program?

Tell me these things and I can help you from there

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A child who has difficulty learning and functioning and has been identified as a special needs student is the perfect candidate for an IEP. Kids struggling in school may qualify for support services, allowing them to be taught in a special way casino fr

Kb3Hooah's picture

I haven't read the responses, and I'm just throwing a thought out here, but maybe she's putting him in a daycare that has this type of program to prepare him for school? If he has a speech impediment, then it could very well hinder him when he starts school. He'll be better prepared if he has a therapist and is placed in a 'school like' enviroment to work on this.
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