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DH Meets with Guardian Ad Litem Today and gives up our $300 to start researching SS's life

mrsparks's picture

The "GAL" called to confirm the appt yesterday and asked DH if he had a good number for BM, She said she kept calling the number she was given for BM's [unbeknownst to us] FULL TIME JOB and said she was having a very hard time getting a hold of her. DH gave her 2 numbers BM gave us when we picked SS up after the court hearing- they were numbers of 2 of the guys BM frequents,-because of course she still has "no phone" the GAL seem disgusted- I can't wait for her to start investigating the situation and to find out what is really going on in SS's life- school records/medical etc-


Sia's picture

you are off to a good start with the GAL! I hope it works out for you!

mrsparks's picture

I'm so anxious to see the outcome, I can't stand it
This little boy needs so much help and BM has had 5 year of not giving him any- I hope it all works in our favor-