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What can your Skid8 do?

mrs.g's picture

What is your SK8 able to do?

My SS is almost 8 (a couple weeks away) and he has absolutely no idea how to

Tie his shoes
Ride a bike
Make his bed properly
Cut food up--> he wants everything cut and because he refuses to take 'bites' out of anything! And sometimes what DH cuts up is 'too big' and needs to be cut smaller still!
Turn the water on for a bath
Brush his teeth (he brushes the front 2 only!)

SS lives with BM 12 hours away and visits during holdays and summer. But get this! SS has no idea how to do all those things I listed yet BM put him in guitar lessons!! I think this is crazy! Put him in riding a bike lessons!


Monchichi's picture

Now Sally, don't be unreasonable here. SM's expectations are too high. At 8 his daddy should be doing everything for him.

ksmom14's picture

oh geez I'm with you on this one...

SS13 (well tomorrow at least) can BARELY:
-tie his shoes
-cut up his food
-can not at all make his bed

confused86's picture

SS8 that lives w/me and my SO half of the time can do all of those things, except ride a bike - but that's b/c he won't try. SO will still cut up his meat sometimes, but that's not a big deal to me. Can't brush his teeth? or take a bath/shower by himself b/c he can't turn on the water? Good grief, his mother is not helping at all by making him feel like he can't do a damn thing by himself!

mrs.g's picture

Thank God!! I swear I thought I was the only one. I'm sat listening to my 8 YEAR OLD SS go on about guitar lessons and all i keep thinking is "you can't tie your shoes!!!" Its obviously not a coordination thing if he is able to play guitar! And everyone seems to think its normal! It's not like he has a disability or anything so he has no excuse! DH thinks its a little ridiculous but he doesnt care enough to teach him to do those things. He pokes fun at him like "are you gonna learn to tie your shoes today or what?" SS scowls and shakes his head DH says "no, you want dad to tie them when your grown up and married? You gonna say your wife "be home soon hunny, gotta go get my dad to tie my shoes"?" Then SS storms to his room, cries, texts BM and then DH will get a text saying "if you and your fucking bitch wife are going to make fun of my son, send him home!"
Yup.... I get dragged into it **sigh**

Ninji's picture

SO says that SS can't tie his shoes because of coordinate. Blah...The kid can play every type of video game with no problem. He just has lazy parents.

Monchichi's picture

My SS can't do a whole host of things because of co-ordination. Oddly he can punch straight, throw a ball straight and aim a spade at another childs head straight ...

Ninji's picture

Thought you were talking about my SS for a minute Smile

SS just turned 9
Can't tie his shoes
Can't ride a bike
Can't cut up food - not even pasta
Can't use soap when he showers
Can't spell his full first name
Doesn't know BM's address or either parents phone number
He doesn't even know what city he lives in.

wth was I thinking's picture

My skids (almost 10 and 11) can't

cut their food
tell you what city they live in/their address /what day it is/ if they have school the next day, etc..
ride bikes
change the water temperature in the shower
get their own towels
make a sandwich
make a bed properly
speak like 10 and 11 year old children
tie their shoes in less than 5 minutes
speak a sentence without saying 'ummm' or 'like' LITERALLY every third word. You can't understand a damn thing they say if they try to tell a 'story'

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

I have a 5 year old, 7 year old, and 10 year old and they all do those things. All girls.

Monchichi's picture

Thank you Coooookies, I do know what Asperger's is. It's the latest name given to what my SS has. I am just reaching in the hope someone can relate to what happens with my SS Smile

luchay's picture

SS11 couldn't make a sandwich, toast, a bowl of cereal. Couldn't shower on his own (turn taps on, wash his own hair, dry himself) Couldn't pick his own clothes (could dress but had to be told "its cold out put on long pants, a jumper, clean jocks, socks, shoes" etc. Otherwise he'd attempt to leave the house in his pj's. Homework was a joke. Couldn't speak a sentence clearly - speaks VERY slowly (my mother has always sworn he is slow)

He is just so lazy and unable to do anything - he COULD if his parents would "make" him.... but they won't so he's gotten used to being waited on hand and foot and now that is what he expects and thinks should happen.