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Blog Blah Blah

MrsFrustrated's picture

Update...not sure I had to make a new blog or add new rant to this one???

Any way,,,DH asks earlier if I'd be interested in going to the movies w/skids (2 that live near us, BM is a hemorrhoid. I agreed to go, haven't seen the kids in 4 months at least. Good time at movie and headed to next destination. SD9 pipes up from the back seat with "Thank you Daddy for taking us to the movie...(DH looks at her and nods his head toward me)....oh and thank you too (name inserted her)" DH has reminded her a 1K times to also include me in the thanks for taking us out statements. He mentioned before that it was rude and she needed to remember to thank both people if that was the situation.

Anyone else deal with this?

Old Blog Blah....

I am new here. Glad I found this place, only wish I'd found it 6 years ago. And especially a week ago. I did a HUGE faux paux with the DH. I have a habit of venting out loud when I am alone in the house. Wellllll, last week I was on the cell phone with DH and we had a heated discussion about upcoming court date with the BM. We both are beyond frustrated with her and her immaturity. We ended the conversation, I thought I had discounted the call (new damn cell phone I have, you have make sure you press the disconnect button on the touch screen) well I thought I had disconnected the call, I set the phone down and started my out loud vent...unbeknownst to me DH was still on the other end of the call and heard everything I said about DH's skid's...

OMG! I felt horrible that he heard what I said...I learned my lesson and will not speak out loud EVER again...I will type my vents here...DH and I have discussed what happened, he understands my frustration. It will take some time for the hurt to subside.


oneoffour's picture

After 6 loooong years my YSS/17 now has good manners. Whew!
He even has taken on the mission of training his mother to say please and thank you.

Today is my birthday, he bought me a great card and everytime the word "mother' or "mom' appeared he added 'step' in front of it.

But when we first met... OMG! He has come a long way, baby!

Tx mommy of 3's picture

My ss doesn't even thank his own dad! If we all go somewhere or do something fun I make sure our biokids thank their daddy so that ss gets the hint.