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SD's not talking about home at BM's...

MrsDaisaku's picture

As stated above, this is something that only this weekend ive properly noticed. For a while now SD4 has been exhibiting some behaviour that the doctor thinks is due to SD being unhappy or even worse, some possible abuse. This behaviour has only taken place at BMs. Were either completely oblivious or SD is actually happy with us. Thankfully we have not been accused of the latter.

Today as always i have about half an hour with each child whilst i do their hair. As i do it, i try to engage in conversation about what shes done during the week, hows her Mummy etc etc.. but she always gives really short answers and doesnt seem to want to open up about her life away from Daddys house. Its only today though that i really took a mental note that she didnt want to talk about BM and her 'weekday' home and school. She's like it with Daddy too. Could this be connected to her behavioural issues at BM's or do most step children feel they cant share in fear of rejection, not understanding or upsetting her other family. Or just because she wants to keep the two lives seperate?

Any stories of your own about this sort of subject could be really helpful...


Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

We have no clue either about what SD6 does away from us. She can't ever seem to "remember" when her dad will ask nicely about school, activities, etc

I feel like I am with a total stranger. I get more convos out of my neighbors children.

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

Isn't it though? Then if you go to a public eatery with them... :O

* chirp * as the other kids walk by and smile big at me?

Marie0124's picture

Our skids don't talk about BM much either, other then to mention that they have the same thing there or that they don't have something there, as a ploy to get us to buy something. As in "mommy doesn't have that. We only have OLD toys". Orthey mention that they wish they had our dog at bm's house. The only thing they really tell us is that it's boring there lol. We play a lot and give them lots of attention. Sometimes it's nice being the "fun" ones lol. An sending them home Sunday night!

Newbie2's picture

I have a SD5 and she is very open if I asked anything about her weeks at her mums or anywhere. She tells me TOO much sometimes.

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

Newbie2- That's great! It is also what I normally am used to as kids are drawn to me.

MrsDaisaku's picture

The youngest SD3 is very chatty, cant get her to stop. But obviously at 3 its alot of Babble and nothing that can really be taken seriously. Alot of it is not so much about people, but what shes got at Mummys house and playschool.

SD4 is just very closed mouthed about her Mummys, but incredibly chatty about anything else. The tv, observations etc etc Its all very odd

mommyto6's picture

My SS11 is now like that. He used to not be. He used to tell us everything and was very open. One time though he told us some things that were disturbing that had gone on when he was with BM. Instead of saying anything about it to SS, my DH confronted BM about it-just asked her if what SS said was true, etc. The next time we saw him,SS(at the time he was 6) apologized profusely for telling us what he told us (even though it had been true) and then said his mom told him he can't tell us anything more about her house b/c we would go to a judge and make it to where he could never see BM again. Since then, he doesn't say anything about his mom's. Even if his friends here ask him ?'s innocently he just grunts and never gives a straight answer. He has no probs telling her everything that goes on here, but we have never told him not to tell BM stuff-we have nothing to hide. He used to just chatter like crazy about anything and everything, but he has become very tight-lipped.

Frustrated New Wife's picture

Our SS7 doesn't talk about what happens BM's house either, unless we specifically ask him about something. We have never told him he couldn't talk to us about her, nor have we talked about her in front of him. It is funny that this was brought up because me and DH were just talking about this. He will talk about his half-sisters, but never anything about his mom or step-dad. He never wants to call her either. DH will call BM and let SS talk to her (even though she doesn't do the same for him). SS7's step-dad is the very controlling type and doesn't like DH at all (for no reason-BM cheated on DH with now stepdad), so we think that maybe SS isn't allowed to mention DH at BM's house, therefore he doesn't feel it is ok to mention BM while he is with DH. But who really knows?

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

Does anybody else have a young SK who is even to afraid to talk about daily activities, school, etc ? Not asking about her mom, dad just wants to know what is going on in general, in her life.

chirp chirp

I REALLY thnk her mom has told her to not talk to her dad. I'm sure SD6 is drilled after coming over here though, right?

It is like 3 days of trying to talk to a deaf stranger here. What kind of visitation is that? Anybody?

happymostly's picture

my sd7 is kind of like butterfly's sd; seems like she doesnt 'remember' what happens. she was talking to bm on the phone earlier this week and she had to ask dh what she did all day. Its like that too, when dh asks sd (on the phone) what she has done, she cant ever say really. She couldnt name all of her presents, even though she liked them all (and its not that she got TOO much to where she couldnt remember) She does say things like "my mommy got me this too, or i have that at mommy's house" but she doesnt talk alot about bm either, or her house, unless some random event happens (like while driving past a certain building) and then its like it triggers a 'memory' or something then she will say something about bm's house. We went to an amusement park this past summer and we always pass by it when we are driving to take her home, and this past time she asked, 'we went there didnt we?' and dh and i were like YEAH! (like you dont remember type thing) because she had SOOO much fun. That was only 6 months ago.

PrincessFiona's picture

My SD is very much like this too. She seldom ever mentions anything that she does when with BM. And we KNOW that BM drills for every detail that goes on at our house. Even when we try to initiate friendly conversation it's like pulling teeth to get one word answers. I've always attributed it to her need to protect herself and compartmentalize. I think BM has reacted to things she's inisted on hearing about our home and SD tries to avoid that from both sides.

It's sad. And it's very much like living with a stranger. That is the very best description of what bothers me so much about SD's visitation with us, she is like an intimate stranger.

It's a very noticeable difference between her and my kids. I make certain to allow my kids freedom to have one whole life as opposed to two separate lives. I sincerly ask about their time with their father and in no way judge or react negatively to them when they talk about him and his home. There have been times in the past that he was not so helpful and I saw them starting to separate their two lives. IMHO that's not healthy so I actively try to encourage differently.

ddakan's picture

My kids do this to my ex. He tells me he can't get a word out of them and used to ask me what they did at my house.

I didn't train them to keep secrets from him, I guess they just leave here here. They tell me stuff that happens over there.

MrsDaisaku's picture

Perhaps it is just a coping mechanism from some children to just keep their two lives seperate. I have no petty need to use what the children say about BM's house against them. I am just genuinely interested in my SD's lives and feel that them opening up and sharing the parts of their lives that i'm not around for, is a good bonding point. It is a tiny bit like they are strangers, but little strangers that i love dearly.

Curious how children will just find their own rythm in life and go with it. I remember asking SD about what youngest SD called their Step Dad, she got really frightened, till i told her that she would not get into trouble, that i was only curious. Only after that did she visibly relax.Poor children are pulled from pillar to post, no wonder they compartmentalise...

rubysunshine88's picture

I hope that your SD is okay. My SKs never shut up about what goes on a Mommy's really sucks to watch my stb husband get sad everytime they start talking about her like they could care less about being at daddy's house. We try to make it a point that we spend time doing fun things together instead of talking about mommy.

MrsDaisaku's picture

My SD is very happy with us, and regularly says how much she wants to stay at Daddys house forever, but shes 4 so that could just be because she sees that it makes Daddy happy.

The unusual behaviour that SD4 exhibits is only noticed by BM and of course the cause is blamed on us as we are the unknown entity in her life and of course its easier to blame others than to look closer to home.

I can see why it would upset you stb husband, but i think if its glowing things, that its great that the children are happy. However too much... would get my goat too. lol!

Frustrated New Wife's picture

That is exactly how me and DH are. We aren't asking SS about his regular life because we want to use it against them. We are just curious to know how is life is going and that everything is ok and that he is happy. We normally just ask about his sisters, school, etc. He will answer the questions, but not really engage in a conversation. It could be just because he is 7 and would rather talk about his DS, LOL