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Male PMS

Most Evil's picture

Ok everyone, my DH is driving me crazy. He seems to ALWAYS be in a bad mood, and complain about things around the house, the city, the world. I am so sick of his negativity and having to hear his stupid rants on everything.

It has gotten to the point I put him on notice I am not putting up with this - it stresses me out to where I am upset when I am around him, when we used to feel better around each other.

His work is going ok, not great but not stopped, and SD is scheduled to visit. His main problem seems to be wanting me to be Betty Crocker around the house and cater to him, even though I work full time and bring in 75% of the money.

I am seriously ready to split rather than live this way. Me and my dog would be perfectly happy, but he almost seems to be jealous of the dog.??

He also hates that I am in a dance group and once every 1-2 months we perform, but practice weekly, about 2 hours - while he chooses a ridiculously expensive hobby we can't afford (mine is about $10/wk.)

Am I out of line?? Please let me know. Thanks Smile


etyler's picture

I feel your pain, my FDH was the same way...
If you think about your happiness without him, truth is, you'll probably be happier.

Don't give up on him. But don't give up on yourself either.

MamaBecky's picture

My DH has ADHD and probably a few other issues undiagnosed (I suspect he has mild autism) He is also negative and I refuse to listen to it. He gets sick of me getting after him for it so he may still think it but he vocalizes it less. That works for me!

what-was-I-thinking's picture

My DH used to get cranky sometimes & flip out on me. When he thought I was really going to leave him, he went & got what I call "happy pills". The pills help control his anger & mood. These pills really did save my marriage!! However, if you're DH isnt willing to reslove his issues and work on your marriage, then it probably is best that you & your dog get your own place!!!