Been awhile...
Well, I haven't been on here in quite a bit...Here's our latest:
BM filed a recalculation of child support and modification at the end of last November. SS ages out this September. Yes, you read that right. He ages out 10 months from the time she filed. The only thing included in the modification was that she wanted to claim him as a dependent on her taxes... it's literally the last year he's eligible as a dependent...sure, crazy lady. Let's spend money on dumb changes like that. Why the hell not?
We have a lawyer that understands that SS ages out in under a year and knows the child support system of our state better than most so not only will we be doing a current recalculation but we will be calculating the one that will go into effect when SS ages out in September. She says we can file both and will not have to go back and do it again later since it's within a year (now we are within 7 months).
Also, we agreed to BM modification and submitted one of our own, to remove a ridiculous stipulation in their original agreement of a life insurance policy purchased by DH that went solely to BM to use at BM discretion for the children. DH wants that policy to either be completely removed (which it actually won't be, he is just going to change the beneficiaries) or for BM to agree that the beneficiaries be changed to just the kids and SD10's portion will be protected by a court appointed custodian. BM will be completely removed as a beneficiary. BM has never had to have a life insurance policy for the benefit of the children, as part of their agreement. Only DH. And the amount required is staggering. It is equal to 3 times what child supports works out to be. If you added up every payment he has to pay for the entire time he has to pay child support over the years, until his children age out and then times it by 3, that is the life insurance policy, paid solely to BM. It's insane. Our lawyer was floored that it was even in the original agreement.
We submitted our responses at the end of December, within the required time frame. I checked with our lawyer in mid-February and she has yet to hear from BM's lawyer. I told her it really doesn't benefit us one way or another to push this matter forward yet so we'll just sit idly by until they do something. The closer we get to September for a recalculation (that still hasn't been done yet because we're waiting on them) from two children to one, the better it is for DH anyway.
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"Ages Out" has taken on a cult-like status.
Are you certain that there is nothing extending child support? It sounds like youve got things lined up well legally.
Hows the parental Disneland going? The entitlement Prince and Princess?
The lawyer told me that the
The lawyer told me that the state had gotten rid of the things that could extend child support awhile ago so no worries there. There are 3 things here that will end child support though. Age, marriage and "become otherwise self supporting". Our lawyer did advise that the last one is a bit tricky and you really have to prove it for the court to issue a termination of child support based on it. SS is out of school and working but still living with BM so we aren't trying to terminate it, just waiting for the clock to run out.
Disneyland still exists but things are calmer now that SS is out of school so it's not as noticable (if that makes sense). Nobody is as focused/worried about SS as they used to be. I have had to remind DH not to be SS emotional punching bag when he's fighting with BM. SD is getting more attention from everyone now so we'll see if that ends up being beneficial or not in the end.
I hope you and yours are well!
Oh man!
CS goes to 21 here and the last of the three ferals FINALLY ages out the beginning of Jan 2024! We're not sure if he is living with the Girhippo but he is working full time and not enrolled in any higher education. When all is said and done Chef will have paid CS for 2 decades.
That life insurance clause sounds idiotic. In our case, the Girhippo wasnt supposed to claim the last one on her taxes for 2021 but she did anyway despite having signed the form agreeing not to. One last "F U" to Chef.
I'm sure y'all weren't
I told DH that insurance policy by any other name is called motive...he doesn't like that joke but I mean, come on!
I'm sure y'all weren't surprised when Girhippo pulled that crap, it's still infuriating though!
21?! For child support? Good god, I bet that feels like forever! I hope time flys for you!
I used to work in insurance,
I used to work in insurance, we sold it as a way to avoid taxes if/when you sold your company or retired.
Short version is that owners get a huge 5-10 million $ policy that the company pays for but because of the way insurance works it's owned by the person.
With policies that large the money is invested and non taxable, the interest is used to pay the premiums after a certain amount of time. When the company is sold, the owner keeps the policy. When they retire they take loans from the policy to live. I hope that makes sense.
The thing is that this person is worth a ton of money dead and we always joked that it was a motive! We had several clients who asked us if they had to disclose to anyone that they had these policies, they don't but they were obviously worried.
VUL or Whhe ole life.
If I recall correctly.
It is been a while since I studied for the Series 6 and 63.
Refile, sending a copy of the letter to the IRS. Get your money.
Let the IRS go after the Girhippo for her tax fraud, hopefully they try her ass in criminal tax court, and for penalties and interest.
I would serve her ass up to the IRS in a second...... or less.
The IRS couldn't care less that the Girhippo claimed the HousesHitter on the last year he could be claimed when she wasn't supposed to.
I did send them the form with her John Hancock on it which stated she would "allow" us to claim him for tax year 2021.
I spoke to DIL's Dad who is a certified public accountant and has had his own business for decades. He is sort of passive by nature (COMPLETE opposite of Chef) but indicated it wouldn't be worth pursuing.
As far as I know, no repercussions from the IRS happened to the Gir and I laughed when we were down south for Mardi Gras in conversation with another woman who had a brother with an ex-HCGUBM. She said "she'll get in trouble for doing that. " I said "yeah, no that won't happen. " She's the custodial so they don't care.
Now if an NCP MAN did that then all HELL would break loose at the IRS.
I asked our tax lady once
I asked our tax lady once what to do if BM claimed SS when she wasn't supposed to. She said we should claim him also, just to draw the IRS attention to it. They'd have given the credit to BM because she filed first but the discrepancy wouldn't go unnoticed and although we wouldn't get the tax break we would get a notification from the IRS that she claimed him and then the IRS would look at BM's taxes and possibly cause her some trouble if she was doing something shady. Also, we could use that in court (if we were to ever go back) since we had it in the agreement that we were to claim him.
A letter from the IRS would be a strong element of a
contempt motion for BM overstepping in violation of the CO granting the deduction to DH.