Despite a pandemic, this is the best summer...
in a long, long time. Because for the first time in almost 10 summers - no skid. And that means no...
- BM talk ("my mom "says/does/thinks/likes/dislikes"). Ditto in regards to BM's dude bro husband. This one hurts my heart for DH...
- bombardment of photos BM sends skid, daily, of her toddler half sibling being shown to our children. (Insert No One Cares spongebob meme here).
- skid getting into my personal things, like make-up and hair and nail products, while I'm at work.
- shared meals with an almost 14-year-old picky ass eater.
- having to watch the in-laws fawn over skid.
Thanks, COVID!
- momjeans's blog
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I'm so glad that you are
I'm so glad that you are getting a break!
Thankfully I haven't lost
Thankfully I haven't lost anyone to COVID, so I can still say that it's been great to work from home, be home more often, and have a good excuse not to do anything but be home. This is an introvert's dream. Never thought I'd be able to work from home in my lifetime
Oh, and I haven't seen SS20 since probably February, but I rarely see him anyway.
Thankfully, I can say the
Thankfully, I can say the same. And, yes, I have thoroughly enjoyed all of those things too. I have enjoyed working from home at least 80% of the time, more kid snuggles and funnies, and more time with our pets and tending to our yard, as well as time away from toxic people.
Oh my this is a recap of my life when sd’a are here
they don’t even see bio mum was cheating on their dad with stepdad whilst married, they have to every visit give a run down on everything bio mum and stepdad said, did, worr or wants to do this and blah blah blah friggin blah...
my husband told me in private that the moment his daughters start ranting on bio mum and stepdad, hubby shuts his ears. Basically it goes in ine ear and right out the other and all you hear is hubby saying mmmmmm uhuh mmmmmuhuh and that is hubbys code for I don’t give a friggin shit!!
i told hubby that bio mum and stepdad are not our family, not our concern and our 2 kids will grow up being subjected to this noise pollution. Hubby apologized but it wasn’t till late last yr the week after sd was told hubby was offloading a decent amount of his retirement savings to buy a home in my country that sd invited daddy for lunch and hubby drilled into her how disrespectful she and her sister were answering me back when they were being disrespectful or doing inappropriate things with my kids...
that hubby had enough of her useless rants on bio mum and stepdad with me in the car as this is incredibly disrespectful to me as hubbys wife and sd only does this to put me in my place when reality is hubby doesn’t give a flying eff for bio mum and stepdad (last line he didn’t say but how he said it implied that). I get it hurts for sd’s to know hubby doesn’t love or care or feel anything for their mum, he never did with all that abuse by her... is it surprising? Of course not!!
but hubby told his daughter that my place is as his wife which means as primary parent of our 2 kids together, i am the expert on draling with my kids so don’t think for a second you can tell my wife disrespectfully what you will do against her advice or instructions. If she says no or you are being inappropriate, don’t do it and don’t answer back and hubby told his eldest daughter that he will always 100% side with me regarding the decisions of our kids. Aka i will always be the alpha female
i did remind hubby almost 2 yrs ago there will never be a day i will ever need to, be required to or demanded by sd’s to answer to them regarding my kids or my life. If hubby or his daughters thought i needed to, they were crazy bitches!! Yeah hubby got that memo loud and clear!!
i’m lucky hubby loves it me being direct and straight to the point
Oh my this is a recap of my life when sd’a are here
they don’t even see bio mum was cheating on their dad with stepdad whilst married, they have to every visit give a run down on everything bio mum and stepdad said, did, worr or wants to do this and blah blah blah friggin blah...
my husband told me in private that the moment his daughters start ranting on bio mum and stepdad, hubby shuts his ears. Basically it goes in ine ear and right out the other and all you hear is hubby saying mmmmmm uhuh mmmmmuhuh and that is hubbys code for I don’t give a friggin shit!!
i told hubby that bio mum and stepdad are not our family, not our concern and our 2 kids will grow up being subjected to this noise pollution. Hubby apologized but it wasn’t till late last yr the week after sd was told hubby was offloading a decent amount of his retirement savings to buy a home in my country that sd invited daddy for lunch and hubby drilled into her how disrespectful she and her sister were answering me back when they were being disrespectful or doing inappropriate things with my kids...
that hubby had enough of her useless rants on bio mum and stepdad with me in the car as this is incredibly disrespectful to me as hubbys wife and sd only does this to put me in my place when reality is hubby doesn’t give a flying eff for bio mum and stepdad (last line he didn’t say but how he said it implied that). I get it hurts for sd’s to know hubby doesn’t love or care or feel anything for their mum, he never did with all that abuse by her... is it surprising? Of course not!!
but hubby told his daughter that my place is as his wife which means as primary parent of our 2 kids together, i am the expert on draling with my kids so don’t think for a second you can tell my wife disrespectfully what you will do against her advice or instructions. If she says no or you are being inappropriate, don’t do it and don’t answer back and hubby told his eldest daughter that he will always 100% side with me regarding the decisions of our kids. Aka i will always be the alpha female
i did remind hubby almost 2 yrs ago there will never be a day i will ever need to, be required to or demanded by sd’s to answer to them regarding my kids or my life. If hubby or his daughters thought i needed to, they were crazy bitches!! Yeah hubby got that memo loud and clear!!
i’m lucky hubby loves it me being direct and straight to the point