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Any Port In a Storm

MJL2010's picture

Sigh. This week has been full of (step)family time, most of it really really good. The week began with BM ranting at SSs10 on the phone, making them cry, playing her NPD games about who they're "choosing", her or their little brother, they're not calling her enough (because suddenly it's their job to call her instead of the other way around, telling them that they *must* call her every day this week (and they're afraid not to because they know how hellish things will be when they go back to her if they don't do exactly what she says, although DH was quick to tell them that while they can call her if they want to, he is not going to harass or make them do so). This week occurred, btw, after she had committed, then reneged, on DH keeping them on her custody days so that we could do day trips. When she reneged he didn't bother asking his boss for more days than yesterday and today off, and then when she had her NPD fit involving telling DH he could have them all week because she didn't want them, of course she had to send horrible emails to him about what a disappointment this week has been for them, etc...just unreal that she desires to wedge herself into the goings-on, real or imagined, of this house. I digress.

Yesterday we took all the kids on a really fun day trip and it was lovely. Spent what I consider to be a good deal of money within our means, had a wonderful time. When we woke up today, SSs immediately had shifted into BM mode..."what are you going to do for me next" mode..."when is mom coming" mode. I hate that it hurts. DH had planned to do something special with them today (he had mentioned the pool, as when we all go he divides his time between kiddie pool and playing with them in big pool) or playing tennis) as they will be leaving on Monday for the rest of July. When it came time for them to go, he said to two tired, sullen, "one-foot-out-the-door" boys, "Would you like to go? We can play tennis or head to the pool." To which SS replied "Can we go to the driving range?". DH, a bit taken aback, said "Um...I guess." I stepped in at this point and mentioned that we spent a lot of money yesterday, this is just them spending special time together, etc...and SS was quite annoyed at this. So they biked to the pool and I'm sure they're having a wonderful time. But this type of thing just needles me. And I'm working so hard to break my habits, recognize my triggers, etc...but there's always that thing in the back of my mind, that BM has turned them into uber-consumers who are just waiting for the next fabulous thing to be done for them. I can't stand my ongoing suspicions about them on these days when they're transitioning back to her. I want to think that they are just being kids and trying to keep themselves happy in a tough between-two-very-different-houses situation. I have yet to find out if DH was annoyed with me that I interjected.

Oh, and the title of my post? They are so affectionate, kind, easy-going when they're here....but the second the transition begins, they seem to change. I'm sure it's perfectly normal but it hurts and makes me feel used. The same boy who couldn't get enough time with me yesterday is the one who was muttering under his breath that I ruined his chance to go to the driving range today. Skids are very huggy and touchy, much more so than DS11 and DD9- and when they throw themselves at me and hug me I don't cold-shoulder them- but I suspect that they would hug anything with a metabolism and yes, it irritates me to feel like they're just using me for warmth or comfort when they can't be around their vile mother.


Heregoesnothing's picture

Ugh. I hate the transition SSstb7 lives with us, BM has EOWE. His behavior from when he gets home from school to when she gets him (pickup is 1/2 hr after school ends) it's like his ears shut off. He has to change (b/c school uniform has to come off) I'm jumping around etc. he's laying on the floor ugh!! He has gotten better since we reduced his sugar intake. (I know they say it's an old wives tale, but this kid can suck down 24 ounces of Gatorade in 3 minutes or less, so yes the sugar hits him all at once and he's out of control).

On his return, I "de-program/transition him back" with a shower, which I will help him with, as he is still6. We talk about any fun stuff he did, if he ate that day (BM seriously forgets to feed him as she is eating disordered) and also he doesn't always shower/bathe there, maybe just the day before he comes back, sometimes, so I have a clean kid who is so happy to be home, and we just feed him, get him a big drink of seltzer, and he's normal for the most part. But I've been doing the shower thing close to 4 years now, to set the transition,

He leaves his demands for buy me buy me buy me mostly to bm these days. I don't know why, but man it is so much better. My DH never really gave in, it was mostly his parents. His birthday is in a month or so so I know it will ramp up at our house too. Bm just spent around $125 dollars on stuffed animals a month ago. I spent $15 on a few lego things and I think we got a book and a clearance playmobil for $7 at Barnes and noble about 2 weeks ago. He seems super happy. But we've been doing more experience things, and coming to my parents to go to their pool. Plus my BIL and FIL (MIL passed away) were his go to gift givers,on this side have stopped giving into his "next time I see you, bring me xyz" so he doesn't really even ask them anymore, I'm sure this can all change but so, much better. He also rediscovered old toys, like cars and planes so he's happy.