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I'm new to this website and absolutely LOVE it

Milomom's picture

I'm new to this website and found it while I was Googling for information about my frustration with my situation. It's amazing when I read all the different posts & comments and how similar my situation is to others'. I've been reading ST for a few weeks now because none of my family/friends can really relate to my frustrations, as none of them have ever dated or been married to someone that was married before or had children from previous relationships. I'm still learning all of the different abbreviations for things (i.e. DH = divorced husband?, BM = biological mother?, SS10 = 10 year old stepson, CS = child support?, etc...) and I think I have the hang of it now. I've been dating my boyfriend (FH) for about 6 years now - we aren't married or even engaged yet, but we've been living together for about 2 years. FH is divorced and has 1 adopted child (SS25) and 2 biological children (my future SD15 & SS12) from his previous marriage to his ex-wife (BM). SS25 is actually BM's son from a previous out-of-wedlock relationship. FH was legally & physically separated from his ex-wife (BM) since 2003 and they have been divorced since 2006. Most of my frustration stems from the fact that FH allows BM to treat him as poorly as she wants and FH is very non-confrontational with BM - just short of doormat status and sometimes it is so pathetic. I have very little direct contact with BM and the few times that we have, she is nice to my face but I am smart enough to know how she really feels. She has done many things in the past to sabotage the loving, caring relationship with skids that has taken me years to build. BM and I are pretty much opposites - she is very strange (into wicca, witchcraft, tattoos, etc...) and is a total drama queen. She is in her early 40's and still trying to figure out what she wants to be when she grows up. She's been going to school to become a nurse and just started working a steady job (which to her means part-time hours the max) at the beginning of this year for the first time in her life. We have 50/50 shared custody of skids with BM, yet FH pays full child support to BM. You see, here in NY, payment of child support is based on who makes more money than whom. The "monied" spouse is deemed the non-custodial parent for purposes of CS and generally must pay full support, even though custody is 50/50. So even though we have the skids living with us 3-4 days a week, FH still pays full CS to BM as if he is a weekend Dad. It is so ridiculous and unfair and I have no respect for her for this reason and many others. There is also literally no discipline or rules or chores when the skids are with her (and I'm sure the kids feel that being at BM's house is so much more fun because of this). I can see exactly why some men run for the hills when it comes to marriage & having children - women like her are why. She has absolutely no appreciation whatsoever for what a great father FH is to his children - he would do anything for them. She treats FH like an ATM machine and skids like they are the ATM cards that get her to the money. Wow, this post is a lot longer than I intended it to be (sorry!). Thank you, ladies, for allowing me to keep my sanity because I realize by reading the postings on this website that I am not alone and not crazy for feeling the way I do sometimes. Does anyone else have a similar situation to mine?


Milomom's picture

Thanks! See any of my situation that you can relate to? Or maybe all of it? ha ha ha

Anon2009's picture

Welcome, milomom!

DH means "dear husband" or, when we're really frustrated, "d*mn husband."

Selkie's picture

Welcome Milomom! I love the site too. I think you'll find many, many people who write here are in very similar situations to yours. I hope you gain as much insight, support and compassion as I have. Smile

Milomom's picture

Thanks Selkie! It's amazing how many people are all in similar situations. This site has helped me more in the past few weeks than I ever imagined.

mommaappel's picture

WOW! Sounds just like me and my story!! I too love this place and FH knows I'm here and doesnt mind saying he knows I need a "place" to go. He, I believe, has always let BM treat him poorly. She doesnt work and has found ways to get her govt insurance to pay for a boob job and tummy tuck, after she took her "settlement" from the divorce (FH's retirement) and flew to Mexico and had a gastric bypass. Now, being a nurse myself I know how important a good BMI and self esteem are and how big a part they play in our daily lives. But seriously?? State medical??? My tax dollars hard at work. She says she cant work due to her bipolar diagnosis...whatever. I have friends and co-workers who have this diagnosis and work but they take their meds. I have helped FH to stand up to BM and I think this might be part of why we are seeing such a change in SD13 this last year, neither of them are calling the shots in this house and both are use to doing that, even since the divorce in 2007. BM even went so far as to tell the prosecuters when she was called for jury duty that, 'I'm sorry I can't serve, there is another potential juror who is sleeping with my husband"...good grief. She isnt married and hasnt been for over 2 years!! CRAZY!! And this was just several weeks ago, and of course FH is in county law enforcement and found out the CB BM (crazy bitch) was still going on about something she "thought" happened several years ago. Anyway...too long but I love this site...I read tons of posts and take what I can use and leave the rest. Besides who knows, as I grow into this new role, I may be able to go back and use some I at first left behind. Thanks to everyone here for just being here, it has helped me more in the last week or so than you will ever know.

Milomom's picture

Thank goodness I'm not alone. Sometimes I feel like I'm the crazy one. BM has a free roof over her head (BF pays her rent as part of CS monthly), a free car (BF bought her a new one as part of their separation agreement negotiations & also paid her car insurance for 3 years after), AND receives $700/month in CS in addition to that. She also received over $70,000 when BF bought her out of their marital residence, which she spent within the first year or two after their legal separation. The skids are fully covered medical/dental insurance through BF's health insurance - she pays nothing (BF supposed to pay 90% of copays also because at the time they divorced, she tried to claim poverty). She has bad credit, probably a ton of credit card debt, owns nothing (and anything she does own she didn't earn, but rather it was given to her). The only expenses she has are her cell phone & 1/2 of the utility bills at her rental house (tenant downstairs pays other 1/2). So where does all the money she earns go to? Not towards supporting the skids, but to new tattooes, etc... She spends her free time on myspace and encourages SD15 to be concerned about looking and dressing like a slut instead of concentrating on her grades, education, encouraging sports, etc... Interestingly, BM was pregnant with her son (before she met BF) when she was only 16 herself - 1 more year until SD15 turns 16 and she's already a mess. Like mother like daughter. I could go on and on and on... Thanks so much for listening!!