Skids are like a case of herpes.
latency -- recurrence -- latency -- recurrence. Forever.
Just when everything seems to be going smoothly and you are floating along, really starting to enjoy your life, you catch a glimpse of it in the mirror: Uh oh. Just a little red blister this time, not really a big deal, but still a reminder that this herpes skidplex virus is always going to be there. You can forget about it, sometimes for very long periods of time, but it will always come back and it will always bring a bit of discomfort into your life.
Hi everyone!
I don't have a lot to complain about these days. DH and I were both naive going into this and neither of us have handled skid/bm situations perfectly but we seem to have established some sort of "normalcy" in our household and have learned how to work through some of our biggest problems without turning in on each other. Most of the time. Because even when things are relatively good, it's really just surface level good. There is still a lot of ugliness if you look deep enough.
Last night DH said the saddest thing I've ever heard him say.
Background: His 11stb12 year old son visits every other weekend. In between weekends this kid texts back and forth with DH pretty regularly. I was thrilled at first. One my biggest hangups in the beginning was getting DH to take more control of his relationship with his children so that the relationship could exist independently of BM. These direct communications with the skids (instead of BM) were exactly what I hoped for. Well, even that has soured now. 90% of this kid's texts are him attempting to work DH over in some way. He is constantly hinting around about all the things he wants. Expensive things. DH isn't made of money and so much of it goes to BM anyway, I'm not worried about him caving in on the really big things. It just isn't going to happen. It still irks me to no end that this kid has no shame, a huge sense of entitlement, and a BM who is probably sitting in the background nodding and encouraging all of it.
Last night was the breaking point for me. After 2 years of watching this kid ask for very expensive things and after 2 straight weeks of seeing this kid try to get DH to buy him equipment for one sport immediately after the last visit where DH got him gear for a DIFFERENT sport, I couldn't take it anymore. I probably didn't present it in the best way (ok, there is no "probably" about it). After some critical words about his son's character, I said "Wow DH. Is THIS the kind of "relationship" you want with your kids? When I encouraged you to build a relationship with them that was independent of BM, I had no idea it was going to be like this. Do you want to become nothing more than a walking ATM to them? How do you feel about the fact that the only interaction you get from SS are texts asking you to buy him things? Some relationship."
And here is his sad, pathetic, defeated response: "Well, if that's all I can get from him then that's what I'll take. At least it's something resembling a relationship."
:sick: :sick: :sick:
And it totally went downhill from there. And now any progress we have made as a couple seems to have come undone. In one night. I know, I know, I'm just feeling sorry for myself right now. This will blow over and we will get back to some sort of steady state again but I'm done thinking that we will ever see eye to eye regarding skid issues. I read blogs and forum topics on Step Talk about adult skids and how the step parent ALWAYS has that feeling of dread whenever the phone rings and they hear "Oh hi, skid!" from their spouse. I'm going to end up like that too someday. I argued with some of you over it. "Whatevs, you experienced SMs out there, the skids DO grow up and then they won't be our problem anymore". Hahahaha. I have finally let go of my delusion. I have finally accepted the ugly truth. It really won't ever go away.
- Mercury's blog
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herpes skidplex virus Ok,
herpes skidplex virus
Ok, this has got to be one of the funniest things I have seen in a long time!
But not funny, because it's true. In the back of my mind (and DH's) I am always saying... "just hold on, when they are 18, things will get better, we're almost there" But as 18 draws closer and closer for SD16 and SS15, I realize that it is just a number. When they turn 18, they are not going to magically turn into responsible independent adults, in fact there is a slim to none chance that this will EVER happen, because, well basically, their parents suck. DH thought when SD16 moved in with us 1.5 years ago that this would be a wonderful, glitter tossing, tulip tiptoeing, rainbows and sprinkles event in which he could "fix" her. She is who she is at this point and she is ALWAYS going to be in her hover craft, loitering around, needing SOMETHING, wanting SOMETHING, manipulating SOMETHING. It's so damn discouraging.
It doesnt go away .....SS19
It doesnt go away :-(.....SS19 and SS17 literally only get in touch with OH when they want money, clothes, somewhere stay cos they have been kicked out of wherever due to being mouthy tw*ats.......and OH knows, and has told then "no!"...he has also told them straight that the only time they get in touch is cos they want something...they both deny it.....then 3 month later TEXT not ring, TEXT and ask for sh*t.....wouldnt mind but nothing stopping SS19 getting a damn job, he is just poxy lazy and SS17 has money provided to BM for him still, even though OH doesnt have to pay cos of his age and he isnt in college/school/education....just lazy like the rest of BM's family of sewer rats.....
Worts was, OH was the same, he used to give in to SS17 and give him money because it WAS some sort of relationship. SS17 would never collect from the home, OH had to drive to meet him wherever he was.....cos to OH, it was contact, it was 10, 15 minutes with SS17 that he didnt get otherwise. It is really sad