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She is single again..

meneran's picture the calls for random shit have started.

We were on holiday for a week, and neither she, nor the ss were informed. SS is spending summer with her parents in a countryside at this time. His birthday was comming up in couple of weeks (from the time we were on holiday).

The bitch calls, 5 times (4 missed calls), to ask WHAT WILL HE BE GETTING THEIR SON FOR HIS BDAY, so they dont buy double.


She calls a week ago demanding to know exact time we are going to take SS for 2 weeks this summer. (3 weeks between the call and the pickup mind you) informing us he is actually comming home on wednesday, while we are scheduled to take him on saturday. GOD forbid the bitch takes care of her own kid for 3 days.

She calls on SATURDAY MORNING to ask how to SET UP FKN EMAIL ACCOUNT!!!!
How stupid and illiterate can you be?
She apparently needs it to open her own facebook account....

Thank good we dont have facebook.

I think if she calls for bullshit again, im gonna flip.
She has no right to call when kid is not around, except in an emergency. There has never been an emergency. You know the story, boy cried wolf?


DaizyDuke's picture

I totally live what you are saying.... I have a BM who calls for the stupidest shit and after 5 years have gotten to the point that I am just sooooo sick to death of it. Mine called to ask DH how to fill out a job application (among MANY other stupid calls about nothing to do with SS).. seriously??? She's 37 years I have flipped so many times, but it doesn't do any good, probably just fuels her to continue calling because that is the kind of woman she is... wants me to know that she has that "power" because she birthed a child. whatever.

Dory's picture

Ugh, intrusive BMs! We haven't had contact with ours for many, many years, but when skids were young, this would happen all the time. Because BMs go so overboard with many nuisance and uneccessary calls, even the ones which may be valid become irritating for us too just because of the sheer volume.

For example, asking what your SO is buying for SS' birthday is probably quite practical, in terms of not getting him the same thing twice. I remember back in the day, our BM TOLD DH what to get SS for Christmas!! She TOLD DH that he could give SS the TV from our bedroom - to put in SS' bedroom at BM's house, leaving us without a bedroom TV but SS(then 10) would be in proud possession of a TV. As if!

Another time she called just before DH and I were going out for dinner to complain that SD had chosen HER OWN hairstyle when she went for a haircut and had not followed instructions from BM as to what hairstyle BM wanted her to have - SD was 14 at the time, and has never gone in for outlandish looks, it was still a very conservative hairstyle, so really there was no crisis! Control freak BM!

I am so glad to have left those days behind us. Can your SO tell her to stop contacting him for non-skid related issues.

meneran's picture

He was very enabling. Especially on saturday morning.

He turned his pc on, to help her navigate opening her fkn email account.

I survived it once, just because i was in utter shock that i could not respond appropriately. By the time i got grips with situation, it already happened.

Next time feathers will fly.