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Desperate Housewives Anyone?

Maxwell09's picture

So I spent today catching up on old seasons of Desperate Housewives. In case anyone doesn't know there is a character named Lynette who is married to Tom and has 4 children with him. They have your typical marriage except Tom had a love child who's mom has recently died so she lives with the family now.

Well this little demon spawn is how I feel is the truth of most step children. She doesn't like her stepmom and dramatically vows never to love her. She has a touch of the MiniWife that's shown every now and then. She gets along with the other kids though just fine.

One day they are in a ice cream parlor and when Lynette tries to get the kid clan to leave the little girl refuses and then causes a scene making it look like Lynette is harming/kidnapping her. It gets better though, the little girl starts making claims to CPS that she is being beaten by Lynette and even goes as far as taking a curling iron to her own arm. Lynette gets arrested and is threatened to lose all of her kids because of this selfish little wench.

Well in the end Lynette tells Tom that clearly he has to chose because they can no longer live under the same roof now that the girl has been claiming abuse. The little girl admits that she wanted Lynette gone and lied the whole time so that "her and daddy can be happy together" barf but accurate. Tom tells the little girl what she did was wrong and that it was his house but it was also Lynette's house and although he loves her, she was going to have to go live her her maternal grandparents.

I think it was a great ending to a very scary situation. I don't know what I would do if SS claimed I beat him or physically harmed him. Its crazy that one little bitty lie from a self absorbed brat could ruin a whole entire family. I don't know how some of y'all get through it especially if you don't have spouse that will stick up for y'all like Tom did for Lynette. I also think there needs to be more exposure of how Skids act like this in real life and its not all just big mean stepmonster all the time.


Smokey_Bear's picture


Peaches's picture

This part really scared me in the show. She could have gotten away with anything. She tried to hurt the other kids, she was sadistic and didn't care. Unfortunately, I can't help but think that there really are children out there like this :O

newbiemommy's picture

There definitely are. I've heard many stories on here about stuff like this. My SD claimed abuse but thankfully after a very scary investigation her stories didn't add up. And I've heard stories MUCH worse than mine. Someone on here is going through a situation but her SD is claiming her SON is abusing her... smh. It's disgusting.

newbiemommy's picture

There definitely are. I've heard many stories on here about stuff like this. My SD claimed abuse but thankfully after a very scary investigation her stories didn't add up. And I've heard stories MUCH worse than mine. Someone on here is going through a situation but her SD is claiming her SON is abusing her... smh. It's disgusting.

ChiefGrownup's picture

This is an old thread but glad I stumbled upon it. The story of Lynette and the sd could have been lifted right out of ST. Several folks here have been through or have told about past CPS investigations into their homes after fake claims by skids in the months since this thread was posted.

Before I become a stepmother I would have found this plot of the show outlandish and harsh. Now I know it is nothing but the god's honest truth. In fact, the only thing unrealistic seeming about it now is the a) getting along fine with the half-sibs and b) the husband's perfect resolution to the problem.

As I recall, the mother of the girl (before she died) was batshit crazy. That was a long time ago when I saw the show for myself some times. Anyway, the batshit crazy bm and the stepchild following in her footsteps is spot on.