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Did you watch "Desperate"?

glynne's picture


It's been a long time since I posted anything but I had to write after watching "Desperate Housewives" last night. I have that kind of stepdaughter but unfortunately my husband cannot see it. The good news is that she is out of the house and my interactions with her are few.

Just had to write in and ask if anyone else felt that the episode was written for them?


Sita Tara's picture

I posted about the storyline last week. I think they were really onto an important topic and handled it so well. Especially giving the situation to Lynette, because she is the most "real" character on there. She handled it with as much dignity from the beginning of this storyline as she could, but was human in her feelings and actions all the way through. I am very impressed with the writers, and that they wrapped up the storyline without turning it into more of a soap opera (taking 5 seasons to do it.) Of course I'm sure the repercussions aren't wrapping up (like real life wouldn't) but I applaud them for taking this on. I'm sure they'll get all kinds of mail about how "unrealistic" it was that a "poor kid" would be so devious.

“I never gave away anything without wishing I had kept it; nor kept it without wishing I had given it away.” ~Louise Brooks

Mrs Katch 22's picture

Kayla is a stepkid from HELL. I'd make comments like "good, that little brat needs to go!" I'm glad how Tom handled the situation....that little girl tried to play the card like she was going to stay...then when he didn't listen, she tried to blackmail him..PSSSH!!!

What was disappointing though was when Nora (Kayla's mom died), but yeah, that whole stepkid thing hit so close to home...too bad the season is over Sad

What happened to Mike!!!"!!?!?!?!?!?