DH F****** up BIG time
My DH did not go to SS's graduation. I pleaded with him to go. I knew it would come back to blow up in his face. It only took 24 hours to do that. My MIL had gone instead of my DH with the ticket SS sent. The ticket said "Admit one". Well guess what, to save paper, the school gave one ticket for every two people. SS did give us "two" tickets. THIS was why I wanted my DH to call SS. But no, my DH was a stubborn ass. We have recieved three messages that curse us out. First, it was MIL. She called DH a moron and a few other choice words. BM called. She rarely calls. But she left a message yelling the whole time that my DH hurt SS deeply. That SS was very upset the whole time. And finally, SS called from MIL's cell. And yes, she tells him why my DH did not come. This what he said. "Dad, you are the biggest asshole I have ever met. I'm sure [insert my name] is happy that you didn't show your sorry ass. Don't ever talk to me ever again." Of course, I am also blamed.
My DH missed a really important day in his son's life. I f******* knew this was going to happen. I had a wierd feeling the whole time. My MIL then starts rubbing salt in our wounds by saying SS actually had a speech during the graduation and that it was beautiful. And that SS purposely cut out the part thanking my DH because he did not show up. He only thanked his mother instead. All MIL got was pictures, and they were not that clear. BM and her father have video and pictures. So if DH wants them he has to ask her. How much you want to bet she will cooperate? My DH took a long drive at 1 am last night. He came back an hour later and I knew he had cried. My DH tried calling SS but he is not answering. The news spread and we are getting calls from DH's family bitching at us. WTF? I cannot believe they are getting involved. My DH had a graduation party planned this Saturday that he was going to cancel today because he thought SS had excluded me. Now he wants to continue with the party. But how the F*** are you going to get SS to come jackass? This is one of those things that SS will never forget. I hope my DH can live with it. And you can guarantee that everyone in DH's family will find a reason to blame me. I F******* did not ask for this! I told my DH to go over and over. I feel really bad for SS. I know he wanted his father there. I do not even feel like looking at my DH's face right now. I do not give a F*** about the car anymore. SS should get it. After this, I think he deserves it.
- maria14's blog
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YEAH! WTF? My DH called the
YEAH! WTF? My DH called the school and they said each kid can bring 4 peopek. THATS IT?! My DH is a MORON!! HE could have at least asked.
I am so sorry that this
I am so sorry that this happened to you, I feel bad for your DH and your SS but I am really sorry that this is all going to come back on you even though it is not your fault.
This is so messed up. I am
This is so messed up. I am really sorry because of course everyone is going to put this on you. SS should have explained to your DH that each ticket was for 2 people. What a mess, I am so sorry, your SS must be crushed.
I'm an SM that usually lurks
I'm an SM that usually lurks but I had to comment on this thread.
No, this is not THE most important day in your SS life....but when your 18 years old and excited about starting "real life" your high school graduation is the one of the most important days of your life. Or at least most 18 year olds I know think that it is.
I do think your SS will forgive your DH and I agree with HelpMeee that after he cools down he needs to apologize for his words about YOU (but ONLY YOU...IMHO your DH kinda got what he deserved) Your DH screwed up BIG TIME simply because he was to stubborn (stupid) to act like an adult and call your SS when he recieved the ticket so he could have your SS explain what exactly was going on and why he only sent one ticket. Once your SS calms down hopefully your DH can explain his side of the story and then maybe your SS can apologize to you for what he said. I disagree with HelpMeee that this was a good "lesson" for your SS, but I kinda agree that the car (and the party) should wait until everyone calms down.
As for your MIL..explain what happened and then ignore her for a while so she can cool it. As a mother myself I can understand why BM is upset...when my child hurts I hurt. Even when my skids hurt I hurt. Explain what happened and give her some time too, at least you dont have to deal with her very much!!
I'm sorry that your being blamed for this
I'm sorry your DH has to live with this
Most of all I'm sorry that your SS was hurt. It sucks that what should be a great day for your SS had this horrible damper put on it.
Your husband deserves
Your husband deserves everything he is getting from all sides. You do not. When someone starts to point the finger at you, let know you tried to get husband to go. Make sure they know this was all his doing. The only thing he has taught is son is to act on assumations. The OP, SS, BM, MIL and dad are all hurting now because he refused to pick up the phone and talk to his son.
Do you think the SS
Do you think the SS intentionally did not tell you that the ticket was for 2 people because he wanted to see what your DH would do and really did not want you to come but now looks like the good guy because he gave you a "ticket" to the graduation. Sounds like something the BM would do to make sure you did not go to the graduation - just tell her son well give Dad the ticket but don't tell him it is for 2 people and when your DH was telling his son why he couldn't go why did SS speak up and say the ticket was for 2 - something is not right here - your SS tried to make his father decide and his father choose you (which by the way is the right thing) and now he is pissed because his father loves his wife very much.
This whole thing reeks of set
This whole thing reeks of set up to me too. I don’t believe little mister SS is as innocent as he is feigning to be either. Surely he should have provided an explanation to his father. I don’t know how you found out about that ticket, but if it wasn’t from the school, I would phone the school just the verify its validity. If it were only to save paper, as was the stated reason for only distributing one invite, wouldn’t you think the school would have printed right on each invitation “Admits Two”, not “Admit One”?
In any case, not your fault, no need for guilt. And, if they don’t believe you show them your posts. They are time stamped.
I have to comment here
I have to comment here too...we did not attend then sd18 graduation because a. DH and SD18 were fighting and so we were un-invited and (b) when DH caved and called her the night before to get details (We were just going to re-invite ourselves) she told DH you and your skanky wife (me)..(lol hilarious- condsidering who her BM is and was totally fine for BM's then live in BF to be there); we dont need to attend.... so we didnt.... and neither of us regret it one bit...yes it sucks; however lesson learned for SD18 (now 21) that there are consequences..... too bad her older sister didnt get the message cause DH also missed SD24 (at the time) wedding for similiar reasons...I'll save that story for another time....
I am with poster above - if SS wanted the DH there- he is old enough to communicate instructions...i think it was intentional to exclude the wife and he got called on it...