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The Blame Game - blaming sm's for their own ineptness

Marbear's picture

I wrote this poem about all those BM's and SKIDS who won't take responsibility for their actions and are so quick to blame the sm for all their woes.

The Blame Game

You cannot grow if you don’t try
Or change all that which you deny
Nor place blame for all your woes
On all the wrongs that you oppose

In feeling righteous without fault
Ensures the barricade of the vault
That holds the martyr forever bound
Desired freedom is never found

You cannot alter what you don’t accept
Remaining thus forever inept
Crying victim for way too long
Becomes yet another unheard song

Our destinies are ours to mold
In making choices strong and bold
Our actions so predict our journey
In making us winners of the tourney

Only truth to self will set you free
Only you can be what you should be
Only you can choose that which you need
And only you can stay fixed or proceed


Marbear's picture

Thank you sweetheart. So glad that you enjoyed this!! You are so, so right, as we all have choices and if we make the right decision, life would be so much more gratifying!!

Marbear's picture

Thanks hun, I am so pleased that you enjoyed this!! Wink Wink I firmly believe that until such time as we take responsibility and stop blaming others for our misery, we cannot possibly move forwards. Denial is such a negative state of being. None of us is perfect and we all make mistakes, but it is up to each and every one of us to stop hiding behind the role of being the victim and look for ways to grow and move forwards!!

Marbear's picture

Thanks you guys for your kind comments on my poem!!! It is what I truly believe!!

Bettina's picture

Standing up and applauding this piece of work!!!! So true and you are a talented poet. Love this so much

Marbear's picture

Thank you so much Bettina for your kind words. Sometimes things are easier said in a poem, well for me anyways!!! lol Hope you have a wonderful, stressless day!!