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I'm made it thru the worst vacation ever!

Manda's picture

Oh my gosh, I made it through the worst vacation of my life and I'm still alive! Yay! I will say I will be spending the next year trying to find a way to get out of going next year! The skids were horrid all week. All they did was fight and bicker and argue and whine the entire time! FH and I were getting ready to go out tonight (because I DEMANDED that I get some civialization time) and he said he missed the skids. So I came back with, what do miss the most...them fighting and yelling at each other all the time or them not picking up after themselves or them getting up at the buttcrack of dawn everyday (on "vacation" might I add) or them spending all our money on video games and shit they don't need? I am SOOO not missing them one bit! I was actually hoping that their BM would keep them for the entire next week through next weekend so I could get my own vacation but unfortunately she isn' convenient for her! I do have to say I did try to sugar and caffinate them today so she could put up with what I had to go through for the past week. I really really hope they were as misbehaved today for her as they were for us! Actually that's not such a bad idea...get them all sugared up every time it's her day to take them. Anyone have any other ideas to somehow get back at the evil BM?