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FH's ex is pregnant...AGAIN

Manda's picture

FH's ex is pregnant again and just quit her job. Why...I don't know because she demands child support every week even before it's due... I would think that you'd keep your job if you can't afford your own bills with your new husband and kid...but then again what do I know! I'll be damned if she goes to court wanting more money from us! She's the one that cheated, got pregnant with another guy's baby, left and had a restraining order against her baby daddy then ended up marrying him a couple months later. She is the stupidest person I've ever met and can't stand being around her whatsoever...and FH wonders why I never want to go to the skids sporting events...HELLO! I hate the woman! ...for what she's put my FH through, for what she's put the skids through, for what she's put his family through and for what manipulative things she does to FH and I. I can't stand her and would like to say that if she croaked and died I really wouldn't blink an eye however I know I would be chastised by certain people on this site about a comment like that.


imagr8tma's picture

I hope that she doesn't take your DH to court for more support. If she is anything like the BM we deal with - she will.

Hopefully, she doesn't. I know here in VA and NC they only count the parents funds (meaning mom and dad - not step parents)so if it happened here... they would not care about the BM's husbands monies - they would raise it cause she stopped working.

In my opinion - you don't have to like BM and she doesn't have to like you. As long as the kids are provided for and are treated well by everyone involved.... no one can really ask anymore.

********She doesn't have to love me or even like me - it doesn't change a dang thing..... So get over it and move on BM!************

frustratedinMA's picture

OMG!!! do we HAVE the same bm? I just was writing about this, as I had to leave my new baby in daycare for the first time today.. while her FAT @SS sits at home, because she is pregnant once again... its like they think they are some sort of SACRED vessel or person, that they dont have to work and help support themselves or their existing children, just because they are pregnant.

Trust me.. this one is constantly complaining about money, and only has kids, so she doesnt have to work. She had a pt job til she found out she was pregnant, then quickly quit. Must be nice. The rest of the women in this country have to work til they give birth.. I dont know why these psycho bm's dont have to.

frustratedinMA's picture

These women think they are trophy wives.. little do they know.. that to be a trophy wife, you have to be 1) drop dead gorgeous and 2) married to an extremely wealthy man.. my skids bm is NEITHER of those two items.