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Lots of changes here!!

mamamomo's picture

Well I haven't been on ST for a few weeks now, I've been in the hospital. I've been struggling with my blood pressure for the 3rd trimester of my pregnancy. A few weeks ago, after having a really difficult morning with SS5 pushing every one of my buttons and just doing his best in general to not get ready for school and miss the bus, my bp got up to 193/111 for those of you who don't know that is very bad, even worse for a pregnant woman. My Dr. admitted me and kept me for the week monitoring me and the baby. DH's job let him take off work for the entire week so he could be with me and help my mom so she didn't have to try and juggle the kids around her work schedule. DH would leave the hospital at 3am and get the kids of to school while my mom worked early mornings she got them off the bus and DH would go home and help my mom get the kids to soccer practice, music lessons, and girl scouts. Btw we have 2-5yr olds & 8yr old. I felt so proud that DH came up with this on his own and really stepped up when I needed him and I didn't have to ask him he just took care of business. Well, I didnt get to see the kids much that week because they didn't have much time after school and I didn't want them to see me hooked to all those monitors and it scare them. The Dr. released me last weekend so I could rest at home for a few days before my induction. For those unfamiliar with my story, SS5 usually avoids me at all costs he cannot stand to be in the same room as me. When I got home I was greeted at the door by all the children and got a big hug from SS5, a genuine sincere hug! SS5 says hey I'm glad you're home I been worried about you and I missed you and he sat next to me on the couch! DH told me that SS asked about me constantly! SS has been a completely different child he has been helpful and polite! I don't know what to think I am blown away I refuse to thhink about it or try to figure out why I am just going to be happy and enjoy it. We had our baby girl on Wednesday she is 19 3/4 in long and weighed 7lbs 6oz and she is so beautiful and very healthy Smile things seem to be looking up for our family right now I couldn't be happier DH seems is happy too for the past week now he's been hugging me and kissing me all the time like we're teenagers!


ConfusedStep's picture

I went from thinking "omg, I hope you're ok" to 'awww, that's so sweet". Congratulations mama and I hope things keep looking up for you and your family.

CrazieCoconut86's picture

Congratulations on the baby! Smile And I hope your SS keeps this new found attitude. Enjoy your baby. I keep hearing how much fun they truly are. I am a few years away from trying for my own, so I don't really know.